my android is never farther than an arms reach away. Being in management in mental health I am on call 24-7-365 and as such I answer calls and emails all the time. The phone allows me to get out of the house and still be available if needed.
LOL figures no problem. I was instructing a class all morning so I wasn't able to hop on and post. No worries, what else ya got in the 7 1/4 size range?
We have my grandmother's set which was a late wedding gift to her from my grandfather (he purchased it after returning home from WWII). I love it and we are slowly resorting it so that it can be in our guest room. I am sure it isn't worth much but to have thier furnature is just plain nice.
I have just started wearing my fedora into my work. I used to leave it in my Jeep as my previous office was really nothing more than a closet with a desk and chair. I had no room for my lid to be safe in there. I moved into a much larger office this week and started wearing my hat into the...
Yup. It was sickening to watch. I hope that the owner calls me, I would hate for them to get stuck with a bill when these....I can't use the proper language to describe these people in mixed company....have such an obvious disregard for the property of others.
An example of today's society: I was in the parking lot of a local store last night sending a work email (was meeting my wife there and was doing a bit of work before she arrived) when a white car pulled into the spot next to me. As they were getting out the lady in the passenger seat hit the...
Its not vintage, but I guarantee that this will work on ANY offender and will quickly ensure compliance with proper ettiquette from the other guests
Mmmmmm pain compliance.......
Talk about typo's..... Price was supposed to be $45.00ea NOT $65.00. Goes to show you that posting something in the classifieds after driving all day may not be the smartest thing to do.
Anyway, ties are $45.00ea PM me if interested
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