You're right, Zohar - back in September, people were speculating the likelihood of it being for the 360 platform too. However, the developer, Team Bondi has signed an exclusivity deal with Sony to produce three PS3-only titles. LA Noire is the first of these.
It's not as crazy as it sounds...
Sometimes its a pain though - if something is slightly out, even by a few mm, it vexes me. I ripped out one of my kitchen cupboards and rebuilt it because of this!
Because I work with clothing, I tend to see exactly people's clothes don't fit and wonder how on earth they could be...
Not quite as dire as I expected...but almost!
Strong points; baby dragon (uber cute), Jeremy Irons (phwoarr!), Robert Carlyle (also phwoarr in a very evil way!).
Weak points; if you've seen Star Wars and Lord of the Rings, you have absolutely no need to see Eragon as it is is blatantly a...
He certainly is a handsome chap, LM - looks great in a dinner suit too!
Jugband1 - Stuart Towsend was the only good thing about that film! I liked him better as Dorian Grey in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen though :D
However, if we're talking vampires, this is the best and sexiest...
I'd be paranoid about touching anything or crossing my legs in case the 'seams' rubbed off! But not as worried as I'd be using gravy browning (which I've heard was used too)...imagine being followed by every pooch in the neighbourhood wanting to lick your legs! lol
Bonnie Jean I am so pleased for you. I remember how upset you appeared to be over that incident - it's wonderful that not only have you had such a positive experience now but also that you're planning on wearing seams all the time now. Go you!
Looking forward to more photos too :D
That's just so you can claim to be a Malfoy!!! lol
When I was 39 I was told by one of my school governers that it was wrong for a woman of my age to have waist length hair. She was a couple of years younger than me and had mid-back length hair. I think she was jealous TBH - she ended up being...
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