I think that is the one you're thinking of, Daisy - that's Bernie modelling it! I wouldn't mind betting those faux furs are from Coquette too. :D
Great skirt, TC - I bet it looks really swanky on you!
My latest hat arrived today and I am so, so pleased with it. It looks absolutely perfect...
Snap! I first started wearing vintage (and repro) around '75 and I had such a hard time over it. Didn't stop me though. Of course, in the early 80s, wiggle skirts and stilettos came back into fashion - I was a guru, I tell ya!! lol
Still in the eighties - puffball skirts (ugh)...not a...
What are you implying young lady, hmmmm? I'm not that old! lol
Night cream is richer and therefore delivers more nutrients to the skin whilst you sleep and it regenerates. At your age (young whippersnapper!), you could probably get away with using a day cream at night but of course you'll be...
If we are talking way back in the mists of time, then back in the 800s my maternal line was Germanic. By the time of the Conquest it was very firmly Norman (no surprises there, since Norman is a corruption of Northman/Norseman). The le Stranges came to England with William and settled here...
I agree - even when I was spat at in the street earlier this year, there is no way I'd have been baited into giving the idiot any kind of satisfaction by way of a verbal response from me. I merely gave him one of my 'superior' looks, complete with raised eyebrow. I think it was wasted though...
Not so long ago, most people I knew who smoked would always ask if anyone minded them lighting up. If anyone objected, they would move away. These days it seems that most people don't actually care how others feel about it, let alone enquire.
Elaina, I rather think you may be in a minority...
Wow! My eldest son's father was descended from Romanies. His great-great-Grandad was a horse whisperer who stood almost seven feet tall in his bare feet! They (the family) never, ever tried to deny their Romany heritage, which I think is great. We all have a right to know where we come from and...
Do you remember when he was with The New Dynamite Band, Salv? (They were pretty rubbish before he joined in 1981, when they got their new image and sound.) I used to go and see that band all the time at the Adam & Eve in Hackney and tried my hardest to get Ray to notice me!!! I failed dismally...
My 21 year old son arrives tomorrow afternoon and will be staying until Sunday. Although I am rather anti-cashmas, I'm really looking forward to seeing Josh. Once he leaves on Sunday, my partner and I will head off to spend a couple of days in the countryside. I still haven't bought any...
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