How was the shoot, Sari? I really must get another one organised soon too.
Here are my latest excesses...ummm, I mean very necessary purchases.
1950s yumminess:
I got this a few days ago but have still not been invoiced....starting to get a bit twitchy but the seller has a good...
:eusa_clap :eusa_clap :eusa_clap
Scott, it was an invisible ring. Allegedly the ghost of the seller's granny's engagement ring (or something). Some might argue he was attempting to flog an empty box - I'd say it was an amusing jape! lol
See, that proves I haven't seen the film, or I'd have known that GB's character wasn't called Raoul!!! lol
Actually, I'm saving myself for Jason Isaacs! My friend and I are planning on kidnapping him when we go to see him at The Trafalgar Studio in a few weeks...
Imagine being told your granny and grandad were splitting up because he'd discovered she was having an affair.....60 years previously. :eek:
It does seem an unusual thing to do, to hide the letter (esp. after it had apparently been torn up) and the fragment of content might suggest something...
I've not seen it but are you saying that Butler played it with an American accent? But...but...he's Scottish and has a lovely accent! :eek: And no, JB you're not at all weird. I completely understand where you're coming's that whole powerfully alluring and seductive dark stranger...
Smooth talker! :p
And I agree with the rest of what you said. A confident person that knows her/his own style and goes with it, unconcerned whether it is considered fashionable, is a rare & attractive person and should be treasured. :)
I find that whole notion of disliking a person simply because she is another woman, really quite bizarre. I'm not saying this is the case with your brother's g/f, Folly, but in my experience it frequently has been.
I've come across a few fellow females that have disliked me purely because...
Awww, wouldn't it be great to know the backstory to that? And the ending too.
Those newspapers would make interesting reading methinks - The DM from the 30s...goodness only knows what hyperbole they were spouting back then! lol
Thanks for posting, Harry.
Interesting question Folly.
When I did dark age re-enactment and living history, I was always an 'ordinary' character as this afforded me the opportunity to do many things a higher ranking person wouldn't be able to do (medicine, cooking, craftwork etc.). Besides, the everyday life of people...
Is OJ saying;
"Wha'....where'd it go? I swear planet Vulcan was here a minute ago"
And yes, I know it is completely infantile but I had to snigger when I read this:
I blame Bart Simpson! lol
Shooting Young People...
....for vandalism? What if it was your son or daughter? :eek:
I don't think any of us can say with any absolute certainty, "Oh, my child wouldn't do that" - kids do all kinds of things their parents have no idea about.
As for the cave painting, words fail me...
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