Man, I miss WC! I grew up in New Jersey, and no matter where you are there, you're never far from a White Castle. Now I want one. Or twelve.
In the photos of the little grocery, I love the box of "Cheerioats". Never knew...
Can't believe I left out these guys...
Steve Buscemi. I don't know if it's an accurate gauge of acting ability, but I'll tell ya what- every time I watch Reservoir Dogs, I don't tip for a week...
Tim Roth. For me he's up there with Oldman. He does manic, on-the-edge, might snap at any moment...
I have been meaning to read this; I work for Barnes & Noble, and this won the Discover Great New Writers Fiction Award this year. Hence, I feel sort of duty-bound to read it since my employer gave it a prize and all... Let me know what you thought of it when you're done.
I am currently immersed in Life with Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse. I have seen the BBC series numerous times, so I thought it was time I read the books. And, I must say, they are a joy. I don't think I have ever read dialogue that is so well-written, and says so much with such economy of words. I...
:eusa_clap :eusa_clap :eusa_clap
This is the coolest thing!! I would totally want to ride in the Ball Turret. You think they'd allow that?
I was just ribbing the boyfriend because he's too chicken to go, but now I figure it's just as well...
Still, totally worth it...
I don't think that the two are mutually exclusive, at least I hope not!
If you get the chance (and haven't already), I highly recommend seeing The Machinist. The movie is kind of so-so, but Bale is riveting. Ditto Velvet Goldmine and Empire of the Sun.
We shall have to call detente on the...
I'm with you on the first two, but I don't get the Zach Braff thing.shakeshead He just annoys me...
How about:
Christian Bale. He is the great sacrificer- anything for a role. And he always pulls it off brilliantly.
Edward Norton. There is no role that he has not been completely and utterly...
What a great idea! I live in an apartment so, unfortunately, that's out of the question for me. (my downstairs neighbors probably wouldn't appreciate it!) Good luck to you, though; can't wait to see!
:eek: :eek: :eek:
Wow. This is the first time I've ever heard of this; just awful. The newsreel itself is a little odd though, with the reading off of the stats and finishers, and how many of them were British. Strange...
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