I hope whoever got it thinks it is worth it!
Isn't the size tag a more modern tag (80's or 90's at oldest?). Got plenty of newer beater hats (wool) with that same tag!
The seller sure spent a lot of time putting together the listing (and then skimped on some of the hat pictures)!
That particular seller sure does add a lot of "prose" to his listings. Maybe that's why he got (gets) so much. There have been quite a few items that must be chocked up to bidding frenzy (or whatever it's called when items in not so great condition get fabulous prices). Great for the seller...
I was recently in my local store that has the best selection of hats in town (though it is mostly cowboy, but there are many men's dress as well) and observed a customer trying on a bowler (a lower middle grade wool one--Scala I think---just in case you think they might have Christy's or...
The RTV network just started with a whole series of new (to them) vintage shows last week including many cop shows from the 50's/60's/70's where you can see vintage dress including men wearing real hats. They're even showing the series Movin' on (that brief run truck driver show from the early...
Given how much they would have probably cost you on ebay I'd say not a bad deal. Still trying to be so lucky at one of my local stores.... Enjoy your finds.
He was on Letterman's Late Show on Thursday night (6/24/11) plugging his movie. Nice hat for sure. The YouTube to the segment is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mlsutn5Sh0. Can't wait till the movie is in my town.
Good point. Thanks. I'm trying to do that more often. You would think a seller would try to do searches to verify their item will be seen by more people and therefore increase the likelihood of getting more and higher bids (I would do that if I were selling something). Of course that would...
I just did a search in ebay a few days ago for all "Boaters" and "Skimmers" and didn't see this one in the search results---darn--I would have bid on it... I guess it is because it isn't listed in the main description fields as boater or skimmer but was listed under the Style field as a boater...
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