You know that you are old if you remember when drinking fountains in area parks were operated by a hand pump. Bonus points if it was just a hand pump with a tin cup on a chain for everyone to use.
Honestly, I fall on both sides of this discussion. But I grew up wearing ball caps and I will always have a place for them in my wardrobe. The thing is to put some thought into how well it goes with the other items I'm wearing (color, style, etc.). One thing I do see as a major faux pas is...
I enjoy the phrase "Cake and pie" to describe something done easily ("Piece of cake." "Easy as pie.") As a man of limited baking skills, I find making them to be sometimes tricky to make; however eating them . . .
To me, it appears that they are in the process folding the flag, which would be a moment when hat removal would be expected. As to the dignitaries, if it is not the flag of your country, you may be excused or forgiven for your lack of knowledge or difference of custom.
My mother used to use the phrase "built like a shikepoke" to describe a tall, skinny, gangly type of person. I figured that it must be some sort of wading bird, years later I found out that it is another name for a heron.
Exactly right. I have attended events while active military and as a deputy sheriff. One of the strengths of these type of agencies is that there is very little grey area; everything is governed by policies and regulated. Modern social life doesn't seem to have a handbook.
When was the last time you heard anyone other than Yosemite Sam use the words "galoot" or "tarnation"? I remember people actually using them, but it's been decades.
"The question is, What is the upside for the site to have a Woman's Only Thread? How do all the members benefit from this rule?"
The most certain test by which we judge whether a country is really free is the amount of security enjoyed by minorities. John Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton, in...
Charlie: Look, kid, I - how much you weigh, son? When you weighed one hundred and sixty-eight pounds you were beautiful. You coulda been another Billy Conn, and that skunk we got you for a manager, he brought you along too fast.
Terry: It wasn`t him, Charley, it was you. Remember that night...
[Lawrence has just extinguished a match between his thumb and forefinger. William Potter surreptitiously attempts the same]
William Potter: Ooh! It damn well 'urts!
T.E. Lawrence: Certainly it hurts.
Officer: What's the trick then?
T.E. Lawrence: The trick, William Potter, is not minding...
I miss certain colorful terms that the boxing radio announcers used ". . . and Louis lands home with a right shot that tickled the ivories and turned the tap on!" (Struck him in the mouth and gave him a bloody nose.) They were always so breathy and fast and described things so clearly that...
Last year I visited Kent State University. When I spoke to my co-workers about the events that had happened there, they were completely blank; they'd never heard of it. That was a defining event in my youth and it isn't even a footnote in our history any more
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