Excellent point. It very much depends on the job, but you want *something* that will help individualize you a little - in a good way. The key is "a little". (Of course, I'm unemployed right now...so take with a grain of salt! lol)
Totally depends on the job, and how willing you are to...
Vacuum-packing is fun! :) Just be sure you'll have access to a vacuum when it's time to pack again, otherwise you might come back with more suitcases than you started with!
I made a duct tape dummy. Once. I never made a stand for it, and the thing kind of collapsed in on itself. You really need a stand, and it needs to be appropriately level.
If I were to do it again, I'd probably go with a paper tape dummy. Supposedly you use the brown paper mailing tape...
Putting myself in a Washington commuter's shoes for a moment...
If I'd heard the music, would I have appreciated it? Probably. I may not have gone, "Oh, that's so amazing, I MUST stop!" - but I may have heard it as I was passing and appreciated that moment of beauty for the rest of the day...
I prefer Kleenex. [huh] Disposable, and you get more of them for the space they take up in a purse. I do have a couple of fancy vintage hankies, but I wouldn't want to use them for anything more than a quick dabbing of the eyes. But I don't tend to cry in public, so they wouldn't be any use...
So many older downtown areas seem to end up overdeveloped - built up and out to their maximum, and the result is a run-down, crowded neighborhood that often as not isn't very safe. The courthouse may look nice and shiny, and there might be a few blocks that are kept up, but the rest of the...
If I'm remembering correctly from my last few trips, I can manage with one (large) suitcase, a handbag, and another medium-size bag, like a laptop case or tote, though I can easily fill a second, smaller suitcase. Shoes are definitely the biggest space-eater. If you can manage with just two...
Being out of a job, I've already cut back on quite a few "pampering" areas - like Starbucks! Thankfully, some of the things I enjoy are cheap/free, like checking out 20 books from the library. :)
One thing I don't plan to go cheap on is my foundation. Blush, eyeshadow, etc. can be had...
Ah...no, not completely, why? :) Of course, I mean "inspired by" styles, not full-on '60s looks.
Caveat - I don't track men's fashion much, so I can't say how popular '60s style will be *for men*. But I don't see it going away for women anytime soon, and I think men will be putting more of...
Just remembered, I forgot to post my fudge recipe! It's from the Better Homes and Gardens cookbook (not particularly vintage, as far as I know):
"Old Time Fudge"
2 cups sugar
3/4 cup milk
2 squares (2 oz.) unsweetened chocolate, cut up
1 tsp. light corn syrup
2 TB butter or margarine...
lol lol
I'm glad no one was in the room to hear me laughing when I read that! I've met some people who would/did stuff like that...I can picture the scene all too perfectly. lol
The poor kid!
What a cool idea. A very fancy gift certificate!
I bet those little boxes got coopted by the wife sometimes, instead of being used for cufflinks or collar buttons. They're too cute!
DeadpanDiva, could you scan/take a photo of the instructions? I just finished a '30s skirt with front pleats that were made like box pleats, but then pressed to the side. This could be something similar; it's a combination between an inverted box pleat and a knife pleat.
If you just have an...
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