Inside the house no shoes. Just to go in the yard a pair of cheap plastic sandals to guard against sharp rocks or burrs in in grass. To leave the home usually slip on boat shoes.:)
Ben- I don't know if the British government fretted about people "moving about unrestricted" but they did in the US. When the interstate hiway act was announced that would build a network of highways across the nation some politicians actually reasoned that it was a bad thing because the people...
If you like the history of the subject matter check History Channel for a program called "Last Stand of the 300". It's been playing on and off for many many months. It will fill you in whereas the movie entertains.;)
I think the "bathtub" look that was starting in 42 and actually went into the late 40s and even early 50s in some makes, would have ended sooner making way for more step-down body styles by 1946.
I really don't see any dramatic difference other than what evolved but it would have been...
Here's an article I wrote long ago that might help a bit in some areas.
Since Henry Ford first began to play with quadra-cycles before the turn of the century, the American auto industry operated and grew...
Just curious, but is something like this pen even meant for actual use? The oils from your hands and friction would wear away even a surface with clear coat. You'd have to plasti-coat it to be safe. [huh]
Huh! In my neighborhood I wouldn't care if they displayed it improperly, at least they'd be trying. The gringo across the street is probably gone for the day though he flew his flag the last 2 days as I did, but not today. Strange since so many hispanic people were veterans in the US they can't...
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