Oohh I'll have to look in my local library. Thank you so much for taking the time and trouble to find out for me, I really appreciate it.
Waingirl - you and Pigeon Toe both. Such a shame - it's a beautiful dress.
My mother was a redhead Celt-type and my father, a raven-haired Italian. My hair is a mix of both colours - it looks black but actually, if you look at it in the light, it has very deep red tones to it. Because I inherited my mother's skin and not my father's (I got his dark brown eyes though)...
As others have said;
The Avengers (New Avengers was pretty cool too)
The Prisoner
I Dream of Jeannie
The Addams Family
Pinky & The Brain
Tales of the Unexpected
Captain Pugwash
Black Beauty (used to give me goosebumps as a child!)
Also, my absolute...
It was proposed over here years and years ago, not sure if it ever became law. We have children's rights an' everything...and don't the little so and sos know it! Laws like this are open to abuse, just like most of them, so the question is, is it worth all the aggravation to genuinely good...
He says I look like his granny. What I'd like to know is, did he ever see his granny undressed? :rolleyes: lol
You should make them yourself!
Ewwwww - you have such a way with words, lady! lol
What lovely eyes you have :)
WARNING: Do not Google Image 'bearded men' :eek:
I was innocently hoping to find some examples of good and bad beardage! Oh my!
OK good beard examples (IMO):
(minus the stubble though)
Lani Tupu < le sigh >
We have a family plot and my grandmother was outraged when I told her that I didn't want to avail myself of it! I pointed out that she was unlikely to know one way or the other, so little point in getting upset about it!
I intend to let the docs have whatever organs they can use and the rest...
You mean those awful magazines such as Heat etc? I think they have them next to the cashiers but I could be wrong - I tend to block out such things as they hold no interest for me at all. I must admit to not actually knowing who half the people are that appear on the covers of the s***mags (as...
Ewwwwwwww! :( I've changed my mind - I'm not coming to you for dinner after all!! lol
Or just tell them if they really want to help, they can wash and wipe up as you go along! :D
I think that at least some of the time, those that are used to cooking just feel a bit like a spare part when...
Absolutely no disrespect to Elaina (who hopefully knows I hold her in the highest esteem) but the one does not guarantee the other. I made almost all of my children's clothes up until they were in their early teens (they had everything from tailored clothes to the most up to date fashion fads) -...
Welcome to the Lounge Brent :D I shall definitely keep an eye out for your book, especially since it appears to focus on an era in men's fashion that I am particularly interested in.
:offtopic: (slightly) I put on the TV last night and How It's Made was on. It was about to go off for the ad. break but the voice-over said that after the break they would be showing how a suit was made. I know how tailoring works but I thought that nevertheless, it might be interesting to...
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