Does anyone know of shades of lipstick, rouge, etc. (besides Revlon) that are still being made? More specifically, I'm wondering about classic brands, such as Helena Rubinstein and Elizabeth Arden, etc.
Anyone? Thanks...
Welcome! :D I found this place a couple years ago whilst searching for info. on authentic red lipsticks... Just like you, I love all sorts of vintage, even as far back as medieval/renaissance lol but I'm mostly interested in 1930's-1940's, personally. Nice to meet you (lucky you, btw, getting to...
I grew up in a rather poor family, and we just about survived on venison and fish (mostly venison). I remember we even had dove one night. It's extremely dark meat, and small, but very good.
(I sincerely hope I've posted this in the right place. If not, I humbly apologize.)
I was visiting an informative site (, which listed some of the makeup used for both of these films, but I wasn't able to find all I was looking for. Gwen Stefani's and Cate Blanchette's makeup...
I visited the Jergens site, but couldn't find the cream there. Is it still in production? I'd hate to go buy a jar if I'm not gonna be able to replace it later...
Aw, really? Thank you! :D
I know you look like someone I've seen... I just can't quite put my finger on who just yet, which is frustrating for me... lol
My name is April and I've recently taken to living here. lol Hi, folks! I love vintage and classic EVERYTHING, with a particular fondness for the 1930's and 1940's. My grandmother says I was born in the wrong time, but I suppose many here have also been told that. :D
I grew up watching old...
After discussing it further with him, my fiancé insists I try the Arpege, so that's the one I will purchase. I certainly hope it's worth it to both of us! :D
It's been said I look like Vivien Leigh, but I don't wish to flatter myself... lol I'd rather leave it to others to tell me who they think I look like, not me say who I think I look like...
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