I used to get the questions on casual Friday too, now I just pay my dollar to charity every Friday, regardless of what I am wearing. that mostly keeps them quiet.
the crazy thing is, my workplace does casual summer . So from July 1st -September 1st, we can wear jeans everyday. Who the heck...
My husband is interested in History, and is always up for watching period films, etc but never really dressed vintage..
although in the past couple years he has accumulated a fine collection of vintage Hawaiian shirts :)
He is also very supportive of my interest in it and will buy me...
I think that sounds lovely :)
I usually get asked why I am so dressed up. Funny thing is, I normally only get that from other women.
I have this great little straw handbag that I use a lot in the summer. It has little bamboo handles that I can hold with my hand, or drape over my wrist...
...and I know this is a wee bit of a bunny trail.... But speaking of shopping & holidays... I wish we could go back to groceries stores selling groceries. I am so fed up with these superstores that have to have their finger in every pie. Last night I went out after dinner to my neighbourhood...
I was still working in retail when Sunday shopping began around here. It was difficult because I was the store manager, so I felt I couldn't really expect my staff to come in on Sundays if I wasn't willing to work the odd shift as well. But I went kicking and screaming. I knew I would hate it...
I would have taken the place for the pink bathroom, too. When I was looking for apartments 2 years ago, I saw an ad for one with pink tiles in the bathroom, plus original pink sink and tub. Alas, it was only a 1 bedroom, so I would have had to kick my son out.( mind you, he'd probably...
and on another note.. I was on amazon today looking for a new pair of flat, black mary-janes..you know. sensible shoes that I could wear with everything.. but of course, now I want these instead.. (help)
These look amazing! For years I worked in retail, on my feet in bad shoes, for hours everyday. And would go home at night, barely able to walk. Then, I was shopping on my lunch break one day, and tried on a pair of aerosoles that were very similar to these..It changed my life, and I have never...
so sorry to hear this John. The pain you are going though is very real and very deep. Just about a year ago, we had to put down our Yellow lab Who had been part of our family for 14 years. Every single day , when I walk down the street toward home , I expect to see him. Not much in life is...
Starting Diana Galbaldon's OUTLANDER series..again. Every time she publishes a new volume, I start from the begnning. Except when the last one, AN ECHO IN THE BONE came out. I had so much going on in my life at the time, I wasn't making the time to read anything really. A friend gave me ECHO N...
Well, you are welcome to spend a day at my workplace. I really don't believe there is any heat on whatsoever.
lets' start with the ladies washroom..(I've never been in the men's but i assume it's no better)..I have actually heard some of my co-workers accuse the thermostat gods, of...
oh yes.. i know where the walmart is..i can almost see it from my place..i just don't believe they carry the fries.We don't get all the same products :(
This must be why they insist on having the heat jacked up on the bus. I climb on the bus every morning in my knee length down parka, bean boots, toque,scarf, mitts and longjohns..and immediately have to start peeling off layers as soon as I sit down. The heat is on so high, I have actually...
A young cousin of mine is currently in college , studying to be a mortician. The irony is that his Grandmother has a reputation in the family for being one who takes a peculiar "delight" in funerals. She will attend funerals of people that she really only has a passing acquaintance with, and...
Funny you should mention Overshoes..i was just thinking about these not 2 days ago, and wondering if you can still get them! where do you find them now? I have never seen them around here, so I'm certain i would have to order them online...
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