I actually find that article bordering on insulting ever though it's on the BBC web site,
I am British and that's what I put down on any official documents for my nationality. I live in Great Britain but today we tend to use United Kingdom and I speak English
one of seven official languages...
Murph this maybe of interest to you, http://www.northernforties.org.uk/
there is a Home guard re-enactment group somewhere in North Yorkshire I think as I remember seeing a photo in a local newspaper of them I think they are a very small group so maybe a email to the above web site might help you.
Most people think of the 20's as the up and down flapper dress, but ladies were doing things like riding bycycle and having a lot more active life in general so the fuller skirt had to be around then and worn not seen as typical flapper so not noted or kept as been typical 20's
About 18 months ago I chucked out my entire modern wardrobe and decided to create a new personal style with modern clothes, well not all on the same day or I have nothing to wear.
a) I Did kept all my shoes and lingerie.
I disposed of every thing that did not fit as it was just taking up space...
A lady called Rebecca has found my blog/web site about the history of hosiery and wrote a blog about it , which is really nice of her and made me very happy, if your are reading this Rebecca thank you very much.
Thank so much Lizzie , that's very helpful the lady who going to make it has a degree in fashion design and a feel for the vintage era also so she understand what you said.(better than me lol)
Hi every one I going to have a skirt made to go with this 40's jacket ( yes that jacket again)
What style is right for it, length, colour, photos or links to paterns etc or any thing which would lead to a period correct skirt been made
Would be a great help,
Thank you
I not sure how relevant this is , last week I was talking to a lingerie shop owner in the UK about lingerie for the more mature lady and this is part of what she sent in a email to me
Also I think that a lot of reproduction vintage is made more for the younger lades, I not sure if they see...
I am now using a face book page as my blog called Stepping Back into fashion history
I thought as a lot of ladies are now on face book than forums these day .it might be a great way to build up a nice community where you can also share photo and what ever you wish with others on facebook.
I have never been kicked off a forum for my views or topics, but I have been kicked off two to date now for criticising the people who run it.
What every the subject matter a forum is only as goes as the people who run it.
I not going to say much more that as one of them is a member on here.
Try here http://www.calculator.net/body-type-calculator.html
TBH I would not be too worried what shape you are, if you look in the web any one who is a 12 is plus size , but in the UK the average dress size is 14, the two do not logically match.
Shape wear these days does not always do it often...
Well you know me Sis if it taking about vintage I am happy and if it's handbags for this thread I double happy.
It's interesting that you carry an ID card,
Thank you it's a nice bag, has faded iver the years to the right shade to match the jacket which is great/
Yes I agree maybe it's a turning point and time to start doing loads of reserach into vintage hair styles now and how they can be created.
Thank you kamikat.
What a nice group of items you have here, I bet the watches might not take much effort to get working again, the clothes drier was my night mare as a kid we had one the same and if it collapsed with the clothes on as there is only two wires stopping that from happening I was in so much trouble...
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