Sweet, I hadn't thought of that song in ages!
But I still just have Life on Mars stuck in my head, only not Bowie, as Marlene Dietrich would sing it... [huh]
I started making pictures of Chloe for different holidays so most of my friends think I am a little weird, she is seriously spoiled and I only occassionally make her wear costumes, I usually just Photoshop them. Here is her Cafe Press website: http://www.cafepress.com/feedchloe
I so wanted to post a picture of my dog Chloe in her hula outfit! :(
I haven't been able to figure out how to attach pictures, do you have to use something like Photo Bucket?
That is very interesting Pilgrim. I have wondered about that as well. I used to take irradiated food on backpack trips, I think the meals were called Top Shelf? I can't remember, but I haven't seen them around in ages. Very convenient, kind of like an M.R.E.
I am pretty sure it is East Texas...not too bad, people from here don't think so, but everywhere else they notice...ya'll Some lady asked me to recite a poem for her because she liked my voice. I was hung over and had, had too many cigarettes the night before, so I couldn't remember any poety...
I took 3 semesters of fencing...only 2 of them counted (towards P.E. credit), I'm not sure what the 3rd counted as...an elective?... I loved it!
What about Archery? That is very Errol Flynn.;)
Has anyone ever heard of ladies cutting their infants eyelashes off so they will grow back longer? :offtopic:
Sorry, but I heard this at work a woman from Spain had cut her sons eyelashes off?!!?
I think lazy is subjective. I keep saying I am lazy because I don't read, I listen to audio books. The truth is if I start reading I fall asleep...probably because I get up at 5:30 AM to go to the gym.
I don't cook in the summer, because it is 100 degrees outside, and about 82 inside, I...
This happens to me when I go see my chiropractor lol ...
But I do think I saw lash conditioner somewhere...
I think I've seen it in drug stores too.
Thanks for the info! I am actually probably too lazy to even try. I have a hard time with false lashes, I usually only use them around Halloween, or after I have had too much caffiene (that's really a bad idea!) :o
Audio Books
Somewhere along the line I became too lazy or A.D.D. to read, so now I listen...I'm a good listener and my commute is about an hour so it works out pretty well. Just finished listening to David Sedaris, Me Talk Pretty One Day and before that The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova.
My electricity bill for last month was $420!?! and I keep the thermostat at 80 degrees!?!:mad:
We put misters on our balcony, and make drinks at home, that saves us a little bit of money!
Are you on the cusp? (at the very beginning, or end of the sign...generally means you have qualities of that sign as well...yeah, I am way too intereseted in this stuff...)
I am supposed to be self destructive, which I suppose I was when I was younger, oh...and I run too that can hurt...
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