Me too!
Though we rarely battled on the sartorial front and she loved a well chosen fedora (and had a good eye for shape and color). In fact, if she saw me wearing a felt in the summer (wouldn't happen of course :cool:) she would make mention of it and not in a positive way.
I can recommend a very good trouser maker in NYC. He deals primarily with custom tailors but he will take work from 'civilians'. He does CMT work only; meaninig his clients supply the fabric and the pattern or a pair of trousers to copy. He's a very good copyist. IIRC his CMT fee was running...
Specious and disingenuous; again, reminds me of my ex. You wouldn't by chance be an attorney? That's a rhetorical question which does not require a response. ;)
So then you twisted my aside into a recommendation? I had an ex who would constantly attempt to muddy and derail disscussions with such ilk. So tedious......
OK so it's a theory that you have heard of and seen printed that you expouse. The competing theory (also written and spoken of) is to dress similarly to the group you are trying to hire on with.
There have been no recommendations to under-dress so let's not cloud the issue.;)
I had a ex who was always throwing out the bacon grease that I wanted to use for other dishes. Did the same with the duck fat too. She thought it was unhealthy. Of course there were other reasons for her ouster but that was high up on the list.
A crab & lobster omelette made with leftovers from yesterday's NFL watch party. Go Bears!
I think I'll use the leftover chili in an omlette tomorrow.:)
I was merely presenting the historical backround of the nuances involved with dressing for business. They are for the most part still applicable today albeit in a more casual mode.
I think that over-dressing is as much a faux pas as under-dressing, particularlly when meeting people for the...
It wasn't about cut or cloth as much as it was about the maker and pricepoint. Depending on the particular company, junior guys might wear Brooks Bros or Hickey Freeman and senior guys maybe Oxxford or bespoke.
Back in the day when suits were ubiquitous, a fellow interviewing for a junior position would not show up wearing garb reserved for senior people. If he got the job and was eventually promoted to a senior position he could then upgrade his dress.
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