I know he's the cat's meow for some people, but I'd have to cry a manly tear of disappointment if he was given the role. I can count the movies I liked him in on one hand, and it usually had more to do with the fact that he stared with the likes of Daniel Day Lewis, and Gene Hackman, then his...
I'll make it "simple and long" then :rolleyes:.
1. Cultures are different. Some cultures do things that outrage us, and we do things that outrage them. In parts of China, Korea, and other areas of the far east dogs and cats are both possible pets as well as a dinner option, much the same way...
For the sake of argument (since you seem to enjoy it) I'd say that's debatable, and in fact false. It's far from our cultural normal, but we live in the west. In China there are dogs who are raised as a food supply(much like pigs and cows are here), well in India it is seen as a great honor and...
I understand the sentiment. I'm not saying I agree with how they did it, but honestly I doubt its the norm simply because I have skinned animals before, and that seems completely ineffective. I've never skinned a live animal, and never will . I see no reason why anyone would. It drags the job...
For some reason this reminds me of the Twilight Zone episode Passage on the Lady Anne. It would be nice to see a rise of the great ocean liners of old, but in our modern age of speed over comfort will they actually return? I for one can only hope ;).
"A fourteen day trip is plenty fast enough! ;)"
All I can tell you is you have a real thing of beauty there :eusa_clap. One of these days I'm going to get off my butt and actually try to get a topper. It's a shame that there is practically no events where toppers are actually used here in the States, besides a wedding (and I'm not getting...
I'm a bit surprised by some of the squeamishness being shown. Where do you guys think your leather supplies come from for your jackets and sweet bands? The fur felt we enjoy come from everything from fur farms, to the fur trapping trade.
I think it wouldn't hurt more people to hunt, or work on...
My father is a big trapper (as were both of my Grandfathers), and I'm a big hunter and fisherman. I have absolutely no problem with fur, or killing animals. I've killed (harvested if you want to be PC) and dressed ("cut up/skinned" if you don't want to be pc lol) deer, rabbits, squirrels...
I'm not a huge sf fan, but I don't think it is anywhere near the level of Star Wars. I don't see it developing a huge cult following, and I doubt there are going to be prequels, sequels, and other storyline being written about it for over thirty years. Maybe I'm majorly wrong, but I just don't...
Remember it may depends how dedicated he is to his current fashion. I know if my gf tried to stop me from wearing vintage, and start wearing jeans and a t-shirt I would be single :p.
With that said if he already likes your style, I'd just take it slow as others have suggested, and allow him to...
Watched it with my cousin last night in 2D and wasn't impressed. The story didn't get me that excited at all, and I wasn't that interested in the CGI [huh]. Maybe it was because it wasn't in 3D, and I was expecting to much, but it didn't do it for me. I also hated the storyline, but that is...
Hmmm interesting. A second article about the rising young vintage crowd that I have seen in the past few weeks, and this one from the UK none the less! Very interesting considering most people thought that the young fogeys were a dead breed.
With that said I've had no interest in eye wear...
I think you underestimate his fall from being one of the biggest names in the 40's-60's to the 70's afterwords. Listen to what he sang up until My Way, his songs are almost all love balads, or have a connection to the Great American Songbook. I have no doubt he had an ego the man after all was...
A true thing of beauty LaMedicine ;). As far as Kennedy goes he gets praised and blamed for a lot of things he had absolutely little influence or no control over. The decline of the fedora being one of them ;). Pretty sad considering the poor guy actually wore them :P.
Hell forget the fedora...
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