The wife knows better than to get between me and my major award. This isn't really Christmas decoration since its up all year, but it is about 25% of my A Christmas Story props/stuff.
If you can find a used M4 for $350, send me the dealer's info. I'd snatch one up for 1/4 price any day of the week. One with collapsable stock, and a Ti extended magazine, and a few other odds and ends goes for north of two big bills however.
A 6" XVR is what I want next as far as wheel guns...
Well, the gun weighs 6#, and has a compensator built-in ;)
I think the controlability with the 500 is VERY smooth compared to the vaquero which wants to jump out of my hand due to the relatively light weight and small grip. My Glock 30 and 36 feel very easy to shoot after shooting that 44...
You recall what loadings you were shooting in it? I was shooting 400gr loads and the felt recoil was less than my 44 ruger shooting 185gr target loads.
I have no clue on the black birds, they were going out after the cold-cast bronze. The black one I have is an MK. My cold-cast bronze was #4 of 20, so I was pretty early in the shipment line.
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