"I have been abducted by aliens for years and found by a happy coincidence.
The Thought Screen Helmet,
invented by an expert, has
stopped the unwelcome visitations and has raised me and my family`s quality of life. Therefore I highly
recommend it."
Art, will...
BA "History" (Berkeley) (emphasis on modern intellectual history and ancient history)
MA "Ancient History and Mediterranean Archaeology" (Berkeley)
Currently writing doctoral dissertation in "Graduate Group in Ancient History and Mediterranean Archaeology" (Berkeley). Will have PhD in 2011.
Always gin. Stirred. Three large olives. A GOOD amount of vermouth, none of that "just hold the martini glass NEAR the vermouth bottle" attitude for me.
About two weeks ago in a smallish bus depot in Greece, an old man at the ticket counter saw me in my Panama and said "You are American cowboy?" I smiled a big smile and said "No, this is a Panama hat!" He was thrown for a loop as I think I exhausted his knowledge of my language. I gave a...
Forgive me if this has been posted already: I have not been on the Lounge much lately as I have been in Greece.
Here is a site with the dust jackets of World War I books reproduced. I found it whilst researching Ernst Junger's "Storms of Steel" which concerns his experiences in the "Great"...
The light blue one on the top row is particularly barfy.
What did you set as your minimum?
I need to sell some stuff on eBay. I have a 48L black (modern) suit, uncut cuffs, that I got years ago, still in plastic, for example ....
I would wear the one on the left. It would go with a tattoo I have on my left elbow which is a spade in the playing card sense of "spade," not in either of the other two senses of "spade."
///////\\\\\\\\\edit: FOUND IT on photobucket. Here goes, gents: uglalicious. Baron has this one now. It was burning an ugly hole in my hands. But he, no doubt, has the class and style that I do not have, and makes it work. On me it just looked like _______.
(Note the latter photo: tie is...
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