I bought a custom Rabbit fur hat from Buckaroo Hatters in Covington TN. Mike still charges $205 for those. Shipping would be additional. While you're waiting for an ebay find, you may as well start saving up for a custom job. When you get more than what you need to the custom, and don't...
My parents' percolator glass knob finally broke after roughly 50 years and I purchased them a replacement at Cabela's outdoor gear. Mom's been using it for more than 10 years now. My Dad's Mother had a weird looking vacuum coffee maker that had a carafe on the bottom and a boiler chamber...
I was going to ask if anyone had tried any of the "Old West", or "Red Eye" old west style whiskey's, but I couldn't find anything on line to ask about. High West Distillery has some different types but they're sold out so who really cares?
Oh Well
I now have Rittenhouse 100 Rye, Old...
Hi Jack
Nice to read your stuff again. I only have 4 safari jackets now...
I bought stampede strings from these folks:
I haven't anything on this page, but they were good to deal with and their stuff looks good.
Hi Y 'all
Tonight is mufti-cultural night. I stopped by the liquor store and bought a Mason Jar of Apple Pie flavored Moonshine. I stopped by the Kabob place and got a nice Gyro. had a couple of slurps of the shine which is GREAT by the way. Then I made an Irish Boilermaker (Guinness with a...
HI Bowlerman
I decided to try that stuff. One of the guys at the grocery store sized Wine Cellar of Norman OK had tried the apple and the other the cherry. Each liked what they had, so I ended up with the apple. That's the moonshine on top of the refridgerator next to my Tumwater Seattle hat...
Hi Dean
From the pictures, uniforms weren't uniform in from 1866 until about 1918. That includes the hats. Those boys did about EVERYTHING to their campaign hats.
Hi Dean
The hat looks good and period correct per the pictures in the Campaign hat thread. I like a high crown PERSONALLY though. I was wondering how long those wool hats lasted in the Indian wars etc. My British Bush hat from WW2 (reproduction by What Price Glory) was soaked in a 1 hour 3...
I drank Jamison's with water on Monday, Famous Grouse and water on Tuesday, and Jefferson's Rye Whisky and water on Wednesday (Blechhhhh). Jamison's is smooth, the grouse is pretty smooth, but the Jefferson's rye is kind of firey. It's definitely going in Old Fashioned's from now on.
Hi V. C.
Check out the NARA archives of WW2 enlistment records. There's a drop down menu of the various "previous civilian employment" you can look at.
My Father volunteered to join the USAAC in July 1941 in Peoria Illinois. Dad graduated from Western State Teacher's College (Now Western...
Hi again Rue
Nyquil is o.k., but to really get away from a cold take Night Time Alkaseltzer Cold Medicine. You'll sleep, and when you get up you'll walk about a half inch off the ground until say Noon. Great stuff.
I suggest that you buy a Sun Body hat, they're made of grass of some sort and they're a lot tougher than Panama hats. I have four or so and wear them in the summer. I have one that I wear when I'm outside for a longer time, and it's sweat stained. If you wet/soak them every few months...
I wear my Mike Moore and TonyB Roughrider hats in the summer. I have one in Bone and one in Sahara. I don't wear them for very long though. I wore a few different Sunbody hats in the summer last year when it was 115 degrees F.
Hi James, I had a glass of Balantines in about 1982, in Barrington IL. The Scotch was 25 years old, and therefore about 3 years older than I was. It was great and went down like water. I'm pretty sure it was EXPENSIVE though.
Hi, I'll try the Highland Cream sometime. If I'm drinking cheap, I drink Bourbon. The cheapest bourbon is almost as good as some of the best. IN M OPINION, the difference between good Scotch and bad Scotch is light years.
Hi Hutch
I think that the majority opinion on the lounge is that if you have a wool hat that you like and wear frequently, you should buy one JUST LIKE IT in Fur Felt because you'll be wearing it frequently for a lot more years.
Just m $0.02.
I'll add a link to this page in the wool hat thread because this is why I don't buy anymore wool hats. I can't post mine because I haven't been in a downpour since I ruined my British Bush hat.
Hi Blackthorn
How about taking a picture of that hat BEFORE you do anything to if after it dries. I have an old Wool hat that was that wet, and it went from a pretty straight taper to a 60 degree taper and went from a 7 3/8 to possibly a 7 1/8.
Plus 1 or 2. I intensely dislike politicians. I'm originally from Illinois so I MIGHT BE SOMEWHAT BIASED about their warmth, capabilities, and integrity.
Sorry, hope nobody spit out any good scotch.
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