I always go through enquiries@aeroleatherclothing.com
They are super responsive - I got a mail from them the other day that apologised “for a late reply”, and I think it was barely two workdays after I contacted them. Super quick and helpful, super nice people.
Morning all,
I have a black CXL FQHH Aero Highwayman that has developed wonderfully over the years. The edges have turned brown, and the topcoat has thinned on certain spots, showing the brown underlayer.
I’m now considering a black CXL steer jacket. I know Horween has struck through and...
Did some quick measuring and it would fit about the same as my aero highwayman, so really not too bad.
I’ll think about it for a day or two and get back to you if I change my mind.
Would you accept PayPal if I changed my mind?
Bumping your post, these are really good deals. The sleeves and back length on these are literally 2 to 3 centireties too long for me, otherwise I’d get one for sure. Is that LW chrometanned horsehide?
Interesting! I’ve never considered that that would be a possibility, especially given the amount of care I’ve seen in Japan when it comes down to things like “the right way to clean and polish shoes”.
Maybe I’ll do a deep dive and try find some examples of old CXL jackets online that are in a...
I’m glad someone else has the same experience with CXL! I always see it touted as a durable leather, but that just doesn’t match my experience in real life. And you’re right, it’s exactly that sort of papery crumbling that sets in after 10+ years that worries me.
Do you have any experience...
I've considered it! Unfortunately, the pebbled look seems to prevent that heavy grain from ever setting in. I've seen some lovely goat (and have worn some way back when), and it certain would outlive me - but when I say heavy grain, I mean something like this:
I've never seen anything but...
Hello all,
Been a couple of years since I posted here. I "settled in" over the years with four Aero jackets and haven't found a need for a new one in a long time - until now, that is.
I currently own a brown FQHH CXL 30s HB, a black FQHH CXL Highwayman, a jerky hooch hauler, and a vicenza A2...
I actually briefly mulled over the idea of going with the happy days model in midweight HH, but I think it's a bit too... generic for my liking. I mean, plain isn't bad, and you could argue that an A2 is pretty generic as well, but A2s are fairly thin on the ground here in Belgium. I have an...
Excellent suggestion, thanks - I e-mailed Amanda last week asking her to include some samples when they send out my LHB. I never noticed that the pockets on the 1938 contract were smaller by the way, thanks for pointing that out.
Hi all! Long time since I posted here. I've got the Aero bug bad: I bought a Bootlegger back in October, which has since been around the globe and is finally starting to show a bit of wear (I'll post pictures one of these days), and ordered a LHB about 14 weeks ago. Both of these are in FQHH...
Regarding the thickness of the hide, here's what Amanda mailed me back in August:
"The oil pull horsehide is a mid weight horsehide, around 3oz, whereas the f/q horsehide is approx 5oz, so yes its definitely more durable and actually this leather develops more character as you break it in...
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