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Tiki Tom

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Oahu, North Polynesia
Christopher Sharp over at “Liberation Times” has, in all seriousness, revealed that sources have informed him that an undersea ufo crash recovery has taken place in the hands of the U.S. Navy and the CIA. This story was picked up by Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp at the Weaponized Podcast in the context of how Mr Sharp was pressured into making such a wild statement. The thing that makes this interesting is that all three of these men fall firmly on the “investigative journalist/serious inquiry” end of the ufology spectrum, as opposed to the “clearly nuts” end of the spectrum.

Don‘t get me wrong, the story sits squarely in the “I heard it from a classified source” category. I.E. - there is no proof. However, I think we may be hearing more specifics about this in coming weeks or months. It’s a fascinating story, straight out of science fiction. Who wouldn’t be interested?

In a possibly related development, it looks like former Navy Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet will testify at the House of Representatives UAP Hearing scheduled for 13 November.

Tiki Tom

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Oahu, North Polynesia
This leaked program is actually kind of believable. If only because its goals are so modest in comparison to some of the other supposed top secret programs mentioned lately.


I can well believe there is a program to vacuum up all ufo images and data from military collection devices. I’d love to see what’s in that database!
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Tiki Tom

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Oahu, North Polynesia
November seems to be heating up.

First we have the House of Representatives UAP Hearing on November 13th.
Second, SOL Foundation will have its second conference on 22-23 November. Interesting list of speakers…


On November 8th Netflix will unleash a show featuring our favorite ufo journalist, George Knapp:

I can’t wait for all three of the above. So, if you are a ufo hobbyist or armchair X-Files investigator, get a big bowl of popcorn and a six pack of beer and settle in for a fun and interesting month.
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Tiki Tom

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Oahu, North Polynesia
Is this the day when human history changed forever???
just asking.


What am I talking about? A radio signal that has been analyzed to death but still appears to (maybe) come from a far distant planet. The article hints that the West is in a race with China as to who will break the news first.

Still interested? Here is a Quick Look at what we know about the planet Proxima B:


What do you think? Real possibility or jumping the gun by a mile? How creditable are these players?
I know, I know. All these articles tease us with the “the truth is just a month away” line. I guess we will know more in the coming weeks/months. Mark this as “to be determined.”
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One of the Regulars
If any planet has sent us radio messages thousands or hundreds of years in the past, enough time would have passed to where they can probably now visit us in flying saucers in all but 5 minutes. So that's pretty funny.

Keep in mind that the time window where any given civilization might be actively sending radio signals to other star systems is very, very narrow. A few hundred years at most, and that's very generous. The probability of two civilizations being close enough to one another for effective communication during this extremely short time span is stupendously low.

How do we know this? A: Aliens are everywhere. B: Artificial radio signals are not.

Tiki Tom

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Oahu, North Polynesia
I monitor this stuff so that you don’t have to.
More new (or not so new) whistleblower claims being made. This time it’s that ufo reverse-engineering work has paid off and that the U.S. has mastered anti-gravity technology.


Of course, I remain skeptical because such technology would have enormous repercussions beyond flight/military applications. It’s hard to imagine that we wouldn’t be seeing such technology being used to great economic advantage.

The broader problem is that a cynical person might take this unending parade of whistleblowers revelations as just so much “look at me” noise from a gang of usual suspects who make their living getting clicks. So many claims! So many news stories! So little hard evidence! Always stringing along the gullible audience.

On the other hand, there are a lot of us who have been interested in the ufo story since the 1970s. Along the way —mixed in with all the BS— there have been credible witnesses and believable evidence. It seems reasonable to say that something strange is going on, but we don’t know what. The general circus atmosphere does not help.

Like a junkie hooked on crack, I’m looking forward to the House UAP Hearing on 13 November.

Tiki Tom

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Oahu, North Polynesia
IN MORE SERIOUS NEWS: It seems that Mike Turner is trying to cancel the scheduled November 13th House hearing on UAPs. This tweet is very interesting and provides some interesting details. Also worth noting is that Rep Nancy Mace has since responded that the hearing is happening “come hell or high water.”


Oh! Supposedly the 13 November hearing is to discuss (among other things) the secret Special Access Program code-named “Immaculate Constellation “ that was recently leaked.
Some conspiratorially-minded ufologists like to point out that Mike Turner represents the district where Wright Patterson AFB is located and that Lockheed Martin is one of his biggest campaign contributors.

Tiki Tom

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Oahu, North Polynesia
The story hits the mainstream news. For months some have argued that the story was conspicuously being ignored by the press.

This November 13th hearing has been Generating growing excitement among those who are (fanatically?) interested in the ufo/uap topic. Rumors are going crazy about first-hand whistleblowers stepping forward and sinister programs being exposed. Jeremy Corbell has clearly drank the KoolAide. Such enthusiasm.

With expectations running so high, there is a clear danger of it turning out to be nothing noteworthy. Nonetheless, it’s interesting that NBC is reporting the story.
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Tiki Tom

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Oahu, North Polynesia
House Oversight Committee hearing on UFOs confirmed for next Wednesday, November 13th, at 11:30 Eastern time. A partial witness list has been released that includes a former Admiral. Yes, the admiral heard and saw weird reports when he was in the Navy, but as far as I know (I could be wrong) it’s mostly secondhand. Other witnesses include a former NASA administrator, Luis Alazondo, and the journalist who leaked the “immaculate constellation” program story.

New additional info: it will be Held in room 2154, Rayburn House Office Building.




Ther are also unusually persistent and vehement rumors circulating that a NEW and formerly unknown whistleblower will testify to highly specific first hand information. At least one well respected journalist has more or less staked his reputation on this being the case.

As ever, we must wait and see. (In the first link, above, you’ll find info on how to watch it live.)
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Tiki Tom

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Oahu, North Polynesia
So, as you know, one element of the now almost standard UFO mythology is that the number of UFOs that have been recovered number in the teens. That’s a lot! Exactly where were all these crashes and landings? At most I can come up with five or six that I’ve heard of.

Well, here is another one that I’d not hear of before. This brief news clip is fun to watch. The case has all the classic hallmarks of the mythology: A very strange occurrence, multiple witnesses, a stupifyingly simplistic explanation, and then persistent rumors of a truck taking something away in secret and a government cover-up. This is how folk legends are created! What really happened? Who knows? Did the boys ever confess? What do they say 40+ years after the fact?

The truth is out There. Next Wednesday’s congressional hearing should be “must see TV.”

Tiki Tom

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Oahu, North Polynesia
Got up early this morning and watched (live) the House Oversight Committee Hearing on UFOs. Witnesses Definitely divulged some good stuff: An admiral talked about an Unidentified Submerged Object following and circling a U.S. submarine at depth. Others talked about military film footage existing of a UFO emerging from the water and flying away near Kuwait. Two witnesses said, under oath, that the U.S. Government has a UFO crash retrieval and recovery program that is above top secret. MOST of these stories were second hand. Luis Elizondo may have first hand knowledge but can’t say anything due to the secrecy oaths he has taken.

The most Dramatic part of the Hearing was that, just before it started, journalist and witness, Michael Shellenberger, distributed a report written by a UFO whistleblower that discusses the governments UFO program, etc. Shellenberger declined to name the reports author, invoking his need to protect his source. However, He did strongly defend the credibility and knowledge of his source. All this under oath, mind you. Shellenberger said the report had been distributed to Members of Congress. The committee chair said the text of the document would be placed in the official record. It makes for eye opening reading. Hear it is:

https://mace.house.gov/sites/evo-su...media-document/Cannon 212_20241113_154539.pdf

Fascinating stuff. But does it move the needle? In part that depends on whether or not the mainstream press picks up on this story and runs with it.

I’ve always been fascinated with the (Canadian) Guardian case from 1989 - 1993 era. Lost of known details & Susan Gill left a sealed recap to be opened only after her death (2018) by her grandson. US citizen Bob Oechsler died in 2020; Paul Hellyer spoke of the case often after he retired from Canadian politics, died in 2021.
Was Susan Gill the Guardian? Was the thumbprint on the VHS tape ever checked against hers?

This is a 30 yr recap from 2019.


Benny Holiday

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Sydney Australia
I hadn't heard of the Guardian case before (of course I do live on the other side of the globe!) but it's certainly intriguing. While some of it sounds plain fanciful, after the 'pandemic' and the way it was handled in this country, I have very little trust that the government truly has the best interests of the Australian people at heart. (Well, let's be honest, any Aussie with half a brain has been able to work that out since the 1970s and the Lima Declaration, when the powers that be sold the country out to the UN). If advanced alien tech was retrieved from a downed craft, I have no doubt it would be used for the benefit of a select few to the detriment of the majority.
If advanced alien tech was retrieved from a downed craft, I have no doubt it would be used for the benefit of a select few to the detriment of the majority.
The common belief is that the technology from crash recoveries is/would be turned over to the big military contractors for compartmentalization, & back engineering for developmental purposes.

Susan Gill lived alone in her home with an excellent view of the field from at least the early 1980’s until her death in 2018. Other area residents were witnesses also including two sisters who were teenagers at the time. Yet the identity of the Guardian remains unknown to this very day. Unsolved Mysteries presented the case in the 1990’s. Lots of additional info beyond this 2019 recap, including the showing of at least one VHS tape sent by the guardian can be found on the internet.

What has never been revealed as far as I can find is the complete document Susan Gill left to be opened only upon her death; did she or any of the other neighbors/possible witnesses own a VHS camcorder like the Guardian used? The Guardian sent one to as many as three VHS tapes, each with an inked thumbprint on the label. Was that thumbprint ever checked against anyone or identified? Was Susan Gill the Guardian, reporting what she witnessed & experienced?

Benny Holiday

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Sydney Australia
I would say Susan Gill is the most obvious candidate for 'Guardian'. But like so many stories of this kind, there remain far too many unanswered questions and, for some mysterious reason, it seems like this case and others like it are never investigated deeply enough.

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