Hi, I am interested in the campus jacket. That looks like a Bay Area fence behind you. Is that correct? Also do you have the missing bottom button or is it lost?
Hi Rabbit - can you let me know were you purchased your white light weight flannel (Oxford Bag style) with turn ups as per the picture you earlier enclosed. thank you
Handsome moustache and great fedora make you look tip-top, Sir. Is the jacket a leather bomber? If it is, all the better. Please advise, Sir. Good afternoon June 12, 2023.
Hi, i just saw your older add about selling your Slender Eastman A2 in sz 44. Is this jacket still available? I'm a VLJ forum member for almost a decade but i'm not so familiar with this forum. Thanks
We could hang it in the ozone room. Once right side out and once wrong side out. The musty smell will be gone. But it may have a light clean odor similar to bleach. It's a fine line between getting the musty smell gone and no new smell. I try to be careful so as to not overdue it.
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