AtomicBlonde said:I remember once however, deciding that one of my barbies should have short instead of long hair... the results were not what I expected and took it to my mom in tears.
I also very distinctly remember thinking that all my stuffed animals actually had feelings
Heh. We must have been seperated at birth. The one who felt my hair-cutting creativity the worst was a My Little Pony. I only did that once... it never did grow back out! [huh]
All my stuffed animals lived on the bed. They would be sad if they had to go into the closet. And nobody wants a sad stuffed animal.
I had a lot of random plushies as well as bears; a hedgehog, a bunch of raccoons, a stuffed snake. I was especially fond of a stuffed goat named George, and still have him. The stuffed goat was probably some sort of emblem of being a strange little child.