Automobile Lifting and Moving Device
Patented by Irvin M. Carpenter in May of '55. It's a cool concept, but has far too much potential for disaster.
I saw that episode Tom and it was really putting out some radiation!
For safetys sake, the Ionic (?) tube was removed and safely stored by a professional.
Wow, talk about not knowing back then...geez.
Only click if morbid curiousity gets the best of you, its a rather unpleasant mental image.
For the record, it involves Lysol.
this is only from 1961 ... but still....
in case you're looking for that " little something extra"? for your car?
Illuminated tires :loco: yes, ladies and's true it happened.
Sorry to hear about your foot. Hard to say if the fluoroscope was responsible or not but for sure it didn't help anything.