I have trouble embracing my nasio-labal lines or whatever that lack of plumpness in the cheeks that cause that line running from the nose down the line is called. Now I finally understand why some older celebrities are always smiling like mad in photos.
However, I don't judge others by the same standards I judge myself and I generally find more mature features attractive. No offense to the younger FD members, we'll all eventually get our time.lol I get more compliments on my appearance now than I did when I was younger.
fftopic: Maybe I'm just better at receiving compliments?
The double standard in looks between the genders have always irritated me and I've thought deeply about it from a very young age. I would walk away crying for an older woman if her man was leeching at me. I'd probably think about it much longer than any of the wives of these men.
As a girl I thought Susan Sarandon exhuted a natural mature confidence. I'm not so sure I think so anymore looking at recent photos though. I like Cate Blanchett's looks for the same reason; She just naturally looks mature and confident. Those were the types of looks I aspired to growing up because I didn't know that nature probably won't ever let me age that way.lol
Now I just want to age like the mothers in Joy Luck Club which was my favorite movie when it came out and so was the book:
fftopic: Now I find the way Asian men are portrayed in the film and book problematic but I still admirer the styles on the actors and actresses when the older women have flash backs to their youth.
I felt especially inspired by the mother on the far end with her hair pulled back and you can see an earring and the mother in the foreground wearing green.
However, I don't judge others by the same standards I judge myself and I generally find more mature features attractive. No offense to the younger FD members, we'll all eventually get our time.lol I get more compliments on my appearance now than I did when I was younger.
The double standard in looks between the genders have always irritated me and I've thought deeply about it from a very young age. I would walk away crying for an older woman if her man was leeching at me. I'd probably think about it much longer than any of the wives of these men.
As a girl I thought Susan Sarandon exhuted a natural mature confidence. I'm not so sure I think so anymore looking at recent photos though. I like Cate Blanchett's looks for the same reason; She just naturally looks mature and confident. Those were the types of looks I aspired to growing up because I didn't know that nature probably won't ever let me age that way.lol
Now I just want to age like the mothers in Joy Luck Club which was my favorite movie when it came out and so was the book:

I felt especially inspired by the mother on the far end with her hair pulled back and you can see an earring and the mother in the foreground wearing green.