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Where do you come from???


Well I guess I'll chime in...

I'll just go by Shamus here, I'm in Beautiful, downtown Burbank, I'm a film/video editor and yes, I've been know to be sporting a fedora when I'm out and about.

Michael Mallory: We're practically next door to each other. If you do PM's send me one... we might have worked on the same projects...

Matt Deckard

Man of Action
A devout capitalist in Los Angeles CA.
From my file card.

A Man of Action: Born in Austin Texas in 1977 Matt Deckard began honing his mind at a young age with books of science and intrigue. Following his relocation to Los Angeles in 1980 Matt has grown to be a world traveler with an appetite for adventure.

"I get dirty alot and I clean up nicely. I crawl through tunnels and I stay in hostels when on vacation (When the need arises I will pull out the cash for the grand hotel now and again). I Like the outdoors and I like European cities. I have chased after women and women have chased after me and when I make an enemy it is by their choice and not mine. I admire the classic greek femenine form and have a knack when it comes to the romantic side of life. I still must master my vituperative nature. I am addicted to 20's 30's everything, particularly hats... though my friends keep trying to drag me into the 40's" -- Matt Deckard


Practically Family
I am a 33 y.o. librarian in training and I live in Washington, DC. I grew up in Virginia (Southern then Northern) and attended college here in DC.

I enjoy music, movies, wine, fine and not-so-fine dining, spending time with my friends and family and books. I look forward to graduating from my MLS program this summer and cannot wait to start work as a reference and research librarian.



Practically Family
Daisy Buchanan said:
I'm originally from Little Rhody (Rhode Island) Best known for it's coffe milk and corrupt politicians.
Daisy (Spiely)

Buddy corrupt?? Nah...:) Believe it or not I have one of his old business cards with the little metal seal on it. A friend of mine from Narragansett gave it to me.

Are they still jarring the mayor's pasta sauce?


Michael Mallory

One of the Regulars
Glendale, California
Mysterygal: I write murder mysteries, but rarely in the hardboiled genre. I do historicals set in Edwardian England. I am, however, coming out with an anthology this summer called "LAndmarked for Murder," which I co-edited (with Harley Jane Kozak and Nathan Walpow). I also write non-fiction books about animation and comic books, things like that. I have a book called "X-Men: The Characters and Their Universe" hitting stores in October. Thanks for asking!


One Too Many
Metropolitan New Orleans
Barry said:
I am a 33 y.o. librarian in training and I live in Washington, DC. I grew up in Virginia (Southern then Northern) and attended college here in DC.

I enjoy music, movies, wine, fine and not-so-fine dining, spending time with my friends and family and books. I look forward to graduating from my MLS program this summer and cannot wait to start work as a reference and research librarian.

You coming to ALA?
I'm not crazy about ALA and their politics, but I like the breakout sessions and exhibits. I may be working the conference at some point in order to get in gree. LOL:p :p Let me know if you're coming and maybe a handshake would be in order.

J. M. Stovall

Call Me a Cab
Historic Heights Houston, Tejas
Hi Eliot. I live in a small town in Texas called Houston. Before you ask, I am not a cowboy, and very rarely do I even see a horse. I'm 60% illustrator, 30% animator, and 10% graphic designer.

Besides being obsessed with vintage hats, that also extends to vintage architechture and industrial design of the mid-20th century. I'm also a comic nerd.

For fun my wife, 4 year old daughter and I try to camp as much as the Texas weather will allow.


Familiar Face
Manhattan, UWS.
I'm new (to posting, at least) as well. :)

Originally from NYC, going to school in Savannah, GA; studying Architectural History. Retuning to NY next year for an MFA in creative writing; and perhaps a PhD after that, if the work dosen't kill me.

Obsessed by nearly everything about the '30s. I collect vintage clothing, shoes, accessories, magazines, Deco everything (mostly pottery, kitchenwares, fans & radios). I sing '30s-'40s jazz in a cafe across the street from my circa 1923 apartment, with influences stemming from my favorite lady singers of the period-- Ella, Billie, Mildred Bailey, the Boswell Sisters, Annette Hanshaw, & Ruth Etting. Other artists I listen to religiously include-- Fletcher Henderson Orchestra, Louis Armstrong, Django Reinhardt, Fats Waller, Duke Ellington, the Carter Family; & etc.

I love: Diners, motor courts & pre-50s roadside architecture; the Northern Renaissance, urban & sociological studies, reading, antiquing, acting, photographing, writing; wine, tea, & lots of conversation.

... Right now, I'm in the midst of Finals, & planning a 1930s Party, with food & drinks & music & dancin' specific to the period! A hostess in my hostess gown. ;)


New in Town
Ohio by way of England
Hi all, I am the floor Managing Supervisor for a small metal stripping place in Ohio, but origionally from jolly old England. Have been interested in vintage for a while now, starting to grow the wardrobe collection, and waiting patiently for my first Adventurebilt to arrive.


One of the Regulars
Fredericksburg, Virginia
marquise said:
I'm new (

Originally from NYC, going to school in Savannah, GA; studying Architectural History. Retuning to NY next year for an MFA in creative writing; and perhaps a PhD after that, if the work dosen't kill me.

Hey there! are you going to SCAD? I'm considering going there for my masters in Historic Preservation! I've considered coming down for one of their open houses... I keep getting stuff in the mail and I'm tempted.



Familiar Face
Manhattan, UWS.
AtomicBlonde said:
Hey there! are you going to SCAD? I'm considering going there for my masters in Historic Preservation! I've considered coming down for one of their open houses... I keep getting stuff in the mail and I'm tempted.


Yes! I'm in my fourth year, double majoring with Art History; and pretty familiar with the Historic Pres. major; as lots of the their classes overlap with mine; and one of my closest friends is graduating from the Masters program soon. You should certainly come down to take a peek at things; the city is a.maz.ing for the historian/preservationist-- as far as settings go, Savannah really has few equals for architectural presence & planning.
Feel free to ask anything specific if you feel the need. :)


One of the Regulars
Lewiston, Maine
My name is Benjamin, I'm a student at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine, I'm a freshman, future Biology Major/Russian Minor. I've always loved suits and old movies/tv/music, and just recently I put the two together! I've got five vintage suits, two vintage fedoras, and one new fedora. Hobbies? Lately I've been reading alot about the old Jewish mob, and am trying to cultivate a good whisky pallate. I also enjoy a good cigar and high-stakes (for a college student with ten dollars in the bank account) poker.


One of the Regulars
Welcome to our lounge!

I spent a week in Bavaria and loved every minute of it. The orderliness of your country is amazing. I am a project manager for an architecture firm near Washington D.C. (84 degrees here yesterday afternoon).

To Jess-
I think vernacular architecture is just the formal representation of built space particular to a certain place. If its in the vernacular then it likely does not stand out from its neighbors. The combination of layout, composition, style, building materials, siteing etc. all contribute to a buildings "flavor" - as distinct as kobe beef is from kansas corn-fed. I too live in Virginia and have found an excellent book along these lines that you may find interesting: Folk Housing In Middle Virginia by Henry Glassie (The Univ of Tennessee Press). It is well illustrated and fascinating. It is written from more of an anthropological viewpoint.



Practically Family
Chicago, Illinois

Hi everyone. My name is Jeremiah, i'm 23 and I live in a little town in northeast Missouri. I work at a small chain clothing store (similar to Kohl's) as the men's department manager, and formal wear director. I've always been interested in vintage style, movies, etiquette, etc, but i'm just now getting into the vintage clothing. I just got my first fedora, and i'm watching a few pairs of pants on eBay. I'm a small guy, so, it's hard to find things my size. But anyway. My goal is to someday be weating a pair of classy trousers with braces and a vintage white crisp shirt taking tuzedo measurements. Thats about as close as i'll get to vintage where I work... it's mostly women's clothing, and the men's department has little to offer, except a few Palm Beach items. I don't ever actually wear clothes I sell to work in. Our dress code is business casual, but, i'm the only male who works on the sales floor and office, so, I can get away with a suit, set the standard, ya know? Anyway, thats the scoop on me.

Marc Chevalier

Gone Home
Los Feliz, Los Angeles, California
I live in Los Feliz Village, near Hollyweird, California. I'm an ESL/EFL teacher, and a graduate student. I'm married with no children yet. I love romantic walks on the beach, small furry animals and moonlit dining. A good sense of humor is a must. :p


Miss Neecerie

I'll Lock Up
The land of Sinatra, Hoboken
I am that rare creature, known by the title of Los Angeles Native.

I have been to 4 continents and lived on 3 of them, (I gotta figure out how to get to the other 3 someday)

Mostly spotted these days in the Downtown/USC area, I work in Orange County in the Aerospace Industry.

Katt in Hat

A-List Customer
The Gold Coast of Florida
Hi Eliot. I'm "Jake". I posted this last month and was very warmly welcomed.

Repeat of: 02-12-2006, 08:41 PM #1
Is a non-fedora yet felt hat wearing man, welcome here? (No longer applicable, see below.)

I experienced the early '50s as a High School boy in Brooklyn,N.Y. and have been a jazzbeaux and an aficionado of music from the '20s >on. Living near the water back then, I wore a big-green-billed,cloth,fishing hat. After moving to The City and starting to work Downtown I found Young's Hats and the HST model Stetson Open Road. An aside, I hate it when they connect the hat to LBJ. As was stated on the plaque on Harry's desk in the Oval Office, "The Hat Started Here." Having bought a magnificent olde Swiss made split-hand stop Chronograph after my first year on a job; and after nicking my Mother for her $10 1883 gold piece, to be used as a fob, I wore hardly naught but vested suits for years and years until the town became a trifle too edgy for a display of gold such as I then sported.

Part of the attraction that Western or semi-Western headgear held for me was that even as hats as an item of standard apparel were on the wane, those few hats that I saw on the Street were Fedoras. A Young Man seeks not to be in strict conformity, or at least, I didn't. Jeeze, I was out of step with most of my peers in the '60 with the 3 piece suits.

In my time I have owned 2 Open road and 2 Stetson 150s. One of the 150s is now a rain hat because so old and beat up. The other has been well kept and is rarely used from year to year unless I travel. I have left out a bunch of non-de script straw hats.

It's so hot and humid most of the year; down here, that wearing a hat seems a chore. Full grown Gents wear shorts 7 months out of the year, and worse...

This just in: Got my first Fedora delivered today and a second is in active auction state. Heaven help me, I'm on a pelty road yet again... :arated:

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