I'll Lock Up
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I hope these were parents and not the children.
Most school kids I know can't handle their cigars or their liquor.
I hope these were parents and not the children.
Most school kids I know can't handle their cigars or their liquor.
I hope these were parents and not the children.
Groups of smokers outside the school gate, who turn the last 5 meters into the Oncology Gauntlet. The number of times my children have been nearly burned by a careless wave of the hand is staggering.
You also see this in front shops and restaurants. The employess having their cigarette break out in front. If I was manager I would have them take their cigarette breaks out in back of the shop.
You also see this in front shops and restaurants. The employess having their cigarette break out in front. If I was manager I would have them take their cigarette breaks out in back of the shop.
The restaurant across the street from us is guilty of this, and it's disgusting. There's nothing I could think of that would make me less likely to go into a place for a meal than the sight of the cook and the waiters standing out front, big as Billy B. Damned, sucking on cigarettes.
Extra long shoelaces that come with new shoes. You're constantly stepping on them or tripping over them. And I equally hate it when the suggestion is made that I should cut them down to size because 1) it leaves them frayed and 2) In my opinion, it's something that I shouldn't have to do.
The children have the good sense to hide from the parents, so lord knows where they're smoking. Not in front of the gates, that's for sure.
When I see remarks like "cigarette smoke makes me sick" I just shake my head.
Imagine such delicate stomachs in the past, living in towns and cities heated with coal fires, full of automobiles with no pollution control, horses doing their business in the street, surrounded by people who not only smoke,indoors and out, but believe one bath a week is plenty and never heard of deodorant.
Imagine such delicate stomachs in the past, living in towns and cities heated with coal fires, full of automobiles with no pollution control, horses doing their business in the street, surrounded by people who not only smoke,indoors and out, but believe one bath a week is plenty and never heard of deodorant.
The idiotic high school where I went back in the day had a smoking lot on campus!
Reading one of Paul Theroux's travel books a few weeks ago. It was about a river trip in China,written in the 80s. A group of rich tourists on a cruise on a river boat.
Passing through one city the air was thick with the smell of coal smoke, sewage, and a touch of kerosene. One of the travellers, a distinguished looking Englishman about 70, said the smell reminded him of Leeds when he was a boy.
Ah the good old days.
I lived in a town with two sardine canneries, two poultry-evisceration facilities, and a fish-waste processing plant, all of which pumped their waste into an open river. In the summer, it smelled like you were stuck in an elevator with Death Himself.
And it still didn't stink as bad as cigarettes.
"A custome lothsome to the eye, hatefull to the Nose, harmefull to the braine, dangerous to the Lungs, and in the blacke stinking fume thereof, neerest resembling the horrible Stigian smoke of the pit that is bottomelesse."
-- King James VI, 1604
We had a *student* smoking area, at which the flower of youth gathered every morning. You had to run a gauntlet to get into the building.
Once one of these fine young people stuck a smouldering butt into the side of the first locker they encountered while walking into the building and set fire to the coat hanging inside. Building evacuation, fire department, the whole bit. It would've been fun if it hadn't been ten below zero outside.
I always enjoy a little hypocrisy from leaders. lol lol
Sultan Murad IV (1612-1640)
Banned alcohol, tobacco and coffee making it punishable by death. Murad even had his own sting operation roaming the streets and taverns of Constantinople disguised in civilian clothes enforcing his edict.
"Wine is such a devil that I must protect my people by drinking all of it."
...Sultan Murad IV
It should be noted that "Murry" died of cirhossis of the liver at age 27