Yes, this place is free, but without those who fill it with life, there would be no advertisers.Same thing with the adds.
I enjoyed years of no adds at all with Addblocker on my Iphone.
Even after the last new lounge update fiasco.
Recently i upgraded my Iphone that still had Addblocker on it and now i get those adds imbedded in the threads.
Really tired of seeing those damn same boots and shoes!
This place is free and i hate to whine but those boots and shoes!
In this respect, if it were my site, I would simply not show any adverts to the members who actively participate. But I would for everyone else.
With 3,896 guests and 87 members, the bill would still add up. Especially as the active members probably ignore the adverts anyway because they see them 20 times a day.