"When the legend becomes fact, print the legend." I'm fascinated by television shows and documentaries that essentially show that 90% of what we were taught in school was only partially right, or completely wrong. But after watching them I think, "But what if what I just watched is wrong too?"Pocahontas: Beyond The Myth. Amazing how much of the history we were taught back in the good old days, was nothing but bunk!
Last night's Supernatural, a good return to some good ol' fashioned werewolf hunting...
Based on a Lizzie endorsement, I watched "Deep Space Nine's" episode "Trial an Tribble-ations."
Tom Cruise in "Risky Business" nailed a good life philosophy tenet with "Sometimes you just gotta say 'what the f***!'"
This seems to have been the purpose of this episode - "screw it, let's have some fun, let's do what we want, let's mash this series up with the original - oh, and let's find a way to do that with one of the most-fun original episodes."
I've never seen "Deep Space Nine" (the only Star Trek series I've missed), so the chemistry and inside stuff of that series blew by me, but it was clear Sisko (a character I think I'd like) enjoyed playing the final scene "opposite" Kirk.
And that's it in a nutshell - fun and enjoyment. The episode's plot of time travel (yeah, sure, some temporal orb makes it possible) driven by a Klingon agent ruined by Kirk trying to get even by blowing Kirk up (double "yeah, sure") is a big who cares. What matters is there's tribbles, there's very good '90s technology blending the old series' clips with the new and there's plenty of humor to match the original episode's light, funny approach.
The next best thing to an episode sequel - well, I guess that's what this is, kinda.
Also fun to see Worf (one of the few characters I liked in "ST TNG") and O'Brien again. And Dax seems like she has a lot of personality.
And, on more, really good to see the tribbles move a bit this time.
Even more Sneaky Pete.
It is getting even more entertaining with each episode.
And?First 2 episodes of "Legion" - Puddin' works at a psych hospital soooooo.....
According to this online article, as of today there has been no official announcement from NBC about The Blacklist being either cancelled or renewed for a fifth season/series. I watched mostly because of James Spader, but lost interest when the focus of the show became all about baby Agnes so I won't be tuning in if it does get renewed.BlackList-Redemption, I was not overly impressed. Is Blacklist coming back for another series?
According to this online article, as of today there has been no official announcement from NBC about The Blacklist being either cancelled or renewed for a fifth season/series. I watched mostly because of James Spader, but lost interest when the focus of the show became all about baby Agnes so I won't be tuning in if it does get renewed.
Between the spinoff and the drop in ratings and viewership, I think NBC has lost faith in The Blacklist and wants to move on. They might greenlight one more season just to see if they can bring it back, but I'll be surprised if it lasts beyond that.Interesting, especially with the spin-off. I too watch for Spader, and root weekly for Liz's demise.