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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


One Too Many
Toronto, Canada
The Thing - the John Carpenter version. I watch this on average about every 4-6 weeks, it just gets better with age.

I don't watch it that often, but I'm a big fan of Carpenter's The Thing.

Just watched the Criterion collection dvd of Spartacus. Very nice print. Such a pleasure to watch Olivier in action.


A-List Customer
Just rewatched The Duellists -- the first feature film by Ridley Scott. He made it in 1977 on a shoestring budget, and it just goes to show that a story can trump a budget. I wish he'd remember that.

It's on the short list of my favorite films of all time.


One Too Many
Toronto, Canada
Just rewatched The Duellists -- the first feature film by Ridley Scott. He made it in 1977 on a shoestring budget, and it just goes to show that a story can trump a budget. I wish he'd remember that.

It's on the short list of my favorite films of all time.

Absolutely agree. One of my favourite movies...beautifully photographed and well acted. Harvey Keitel played the obsessive belligerent officer perfectly. It is such an under-viewed movie that I was starting to think I was the only one who had seen it! Unfortunately, a lot of my favourites are like that.
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London, UK
The Jessica Lang Kong isn't as bad as it is popular to believe. It does have its flaws, and it is visually terribly dated (in a bad way), but it was a brave attempt to contemporise the story, and in its own context it works. I find it entertaining, anyhow, even if I much prefer the other versions. What is unique about Peter Jackson's take is that it is the first of the three to be made as a period piece, as opposed to one set in the time during which it was made. The only realy flaw with Jackson's film is that it is a little overlong - I could have lived with a lot less of the Kong v Dinosaurs battle. Still, I loved the realisation of period NYC.


A-List Customer
Absolutely agree. One of may favourite movies...beautifully photographed and well acted. Harvey Keitel played the obsessive belligerent officer perfectly. It is such an under-viewed movie that I was starting to think I was the only one who had seen it! Unfortunately, a lot of my favourites are like that.

I can relate. I have a devil of a time finding some old favorites. If it weren't for VHS copies (VHS? what is this, 1989?) of some of them, or late night TV, I'd be out of luck.

Fortunately, more and more specialty houses are putting out DVDs on the older movies and "classic" TV series.

I want to see that one...the Norwegians won me over with Dead Snow.

Oh, hey, another film we have in common. Tremendously fun. I love it when the guy tosses the molotov cockail RIGHT into the window sill (instead of through the window), setting the only safe place they have on fire. Nazi zombies. Who wouldn't love something like that? It's almost as good a Nazis on the moon (see below). :)


Oh -- last night I watched the 1933 "Central Airport" -- a guy is a super pilot, and loves a girl, but he thinks flying is dangerous and pilots shouldn't marry --- so just before he can change his mind, she runs off and marries his brother (also a pilot). Then the brother's plane ditches in the ocean in a storm, and only one guy has the seaplane who can possibly rescue him...

Fun flick.
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One Too Many
Toronto, Canada
I can relate. I have a devil of a time finding some old favorites. If it weren't for VHS copies (VHS? what is this, 1989?) of some of them, or late night TV, I'd be out of luck.

Fortunately, more and more specialty houses are putting out DVDs on the older movies and "classic" TV series.

Loved the Iron Sky trailer...Moon Nazis!

I've been trying to find a (reasonably priced) DVD of the 1993 German film, Stalingrad. A terrific film and one that, again, no-one I know has actually seen (besides me). My VHS copy has deteriorated, unfortunately.

I had the same problem with the 1988 film, The Beast, but I finally found one in a thrift shop, of all places!

Philip Adams

One of the Regulars
London, England
I saw 'Victim' (1961) on TCM (UK) the other day.

A fantastic British film, that has probably lost some of its impact these days.

Dirk Bogarde delivers a great performance.

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