Bigger Don
Practically Family
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I don't believe any of it was shot outside of the city limits Dysfunction Junction.... spiral into crazy town.
I don't believe any of it was shot outside of the city limits Dysfunction Junction.... spiral into crazy town.
We got sucked into "Casablanca" last night on TCM. As this is the eight-hundredth time I've seen it, I continue to be amazed that it fully engages me (proving it is either an outstanding movie or my small brain is easily engaged).
Three things struck me this time: (1) the movie has almost a breakneck pace, (2) Sydney Greenstreet is an outstanding foil to Rick and (3) while Ingrid Bergman is beautiful - her skin seems to be lit from beneath - that little corner of the earth had more that its fair share of truly gorgeous woman in '42 with Yvonne and Annina being no second choices to Bergman.
"Florence Foster Jenkins"
This movie, like the real life story it is based on, is a high wire act that could have fallen to the ground and gone splat at any moment. It didn't, but it did get very close several times. Outstanding acting by Meryl Streep and Hugh Grant kept the story balanced, if teetering, on that very narrow wire.
The quick-and-dirty summary is FFJ was a uber-wealthy older woman in '20 - '40s NYC who - with the help of an enabling staff and husband and her massive funds - deluded herself into believing she was a talented soprano. That she performs in venues whose audience and reviewers are closely controlled by her husband allowed the charade to continue.
A bunch of side stories - her husband's long-time affair, her accompanist's career concerns, etc,- play out, but the central drama is whether a sick (with long-term syphilis), deluded older woman's fantasy world - and her sense of self - can be sustained amidst a highly publicized (and reviewed - unfavorably for the first time) performance at Carnegie Hall.
I'll leave it there for those who haven't seen it. We nearly turned the movie off a couple of times, but Streep's portrayal was so empathetic and Grant's so engaging that we kept on and, overall, are glad we did. That said, I can't recommend it as this movie is off in so many ways, that it will either strike a chord with you or you'll be cutting out early.
We didn't get this this summer, having had the French film that dealt with a fictionalized version of the same subject already, but you confirm what I suspected from seeing the trailer.
The whole FFJ story has always made me very uncomfortable. The woman was clearly mentally ill -- syphillis will do that -- and I've always found the way she was commercialized after she died to be quite distasteful. She made a private recording of one of her recitals in 1938, which was released on an RCA Victor LP after her death, packaged in a nudge-nudge-lookit-the-crazy-woman sort of way that out-smugironies the smuggest and most ironic of modern hipsters, and that's dominated the way her image has been hustled ever since...
Satire is only funny when it attacks the powerful and oppressive, not when it attacks the harmless and the damaged.
We didn't get this this summer, having had the French film that dealt with a fictionalized version of the same subject already, but you confirm what I suspected from seeing the trailer.
The whole FFJ story has always made me very uncomfortable. The woman was clearly mentally ill -- syphillis will do that -- and I've always found the way she was commercialized after she died to be quite distasteful. She made a private recording of one of her recitals in 1938, which was released on an RCA Victor LP after her death, packaged in a nudge-nudge-lookit-the-crazy-woman sort of way that out-smugironies the smuggest and most ironic of modern hipsters, and that's dominated the way her image has been hustled ever since...
Satire is only funny when it attacks the powerful and oppressive, not when it attacks the harmless and the damaged.
Satire is only funny when it attacks the powerful and oppressive, not when it attacks the harmless and the damaged.
Bad Day at Black Rock
Bullitt and
Cool Hand Luke
All on TCM today.
Darn it, I had things to get done.
Vacation is a great thing. I can find excuses to not be productive every where I look, TCM is one of my favorite excuses.Mwa ha ha ha ha.... Curses! Foiled again!!!!!
Bad Day at Black Rock
Bullitt and
Cool Hand Luke
All on TCM today.
Darn it, I had things to get done.
True Grit (1969) Looking back at this movie Kim Darby gets a bum rap! Her quirky caricature fit right in with the one eye fat man, arguing with Strother Martin and holding her own against Robert Duvall and his gang of nut cases! It's poor Glen Campbell and his good looks that just doesn't fit in at all.