Japan made me do it. As so many things before. So now I need the regular 5 pocket ones, too.
wonder how they will look once broken in with creases, and fading a little
Lol @JMax , you tellin' me these are seriously more... Something than that cow thing? I think that with some of the jackets we wear, most of us are way over whatever line there is or ever was, just no longer realizing it due to the gradual transition from a nice cafe racer to Leather bellhop uniform, mega-Flamboyant Mullholland or even the Grizzly.
That said, these are like 110% serious motorcycle trousers and actually considering Aero's stuff is, while sturdy and of high quality, not exactly pro riding equipment, these are insanely well executed for a bike. I've in fact never seen a better MC pants so in all seriousness, give 'em a thought! For a long trip, I can't imagine I'd want to wear anything else.
@Downunder G Man , both my mum and dad were bikers, my dad even professionally raced so I imagine she'd be like "What's the big deal?".
Japan made me do it. As so many things before. So now I need the regular 5 pocket ones, too.
Japan made me do it. As so many things before. So now I need the regular 5 pocket ones, too.
Can’t talk about comfort or practicality but if you swap the t-shirt with a plain white one (and untuck it!) I think you’d look pretty cool. Strong 80s/early 90s vibes!
That meme applies to my three newest jackets, no doubt. The hair-on-cow had me questioning my taste for a sec. Then I said eff it, let's see. If someone points and jeers I can always break their finger. The bellhop, less so, but it certainly isn't for everyone. I have seen some double-takes. The new Jelado's color isn't run-of-the mill black. Black leather is still my favorite though.
Honestly, the leather pants do look much better on than I thought they would. They look great. If I ever move north again, I will take a more serious look at them as riding gear.
thanks, is that means Alan was not involved with your jacket making? Damon is great but I really want have a jacket made by Alan.
I could but never can sit down that long too much nervous energy. I am still involved in the custom jackets for some of my customers. I am currently talking to a few customers on producing some insanely creative jackets that are always pushing the boundaries on design. I love this stuff the harder and more creative the design is the greater the challenge to meet the customers expatiations. Just email me at the shop if you have any question or I can call you as well.
Thank you so much!!I could but never can sit down that long too much nervous energy. I am still involved in the custom jackets for some of my customers. I am currently talking to a few customers on producing some insanely creative jackets that are always pushing the boundaries on design. I love this stuff the harder and more creative the design is the greater the challenge to meet the customers expatiations. Just email me at the shop if you have any question or I can call you as well.
One of my all time fav movies.I've discovered I really dig the 90's vibes. Like 30% of it but what I like, I like more than any other era so that's a compliment to me & what I'm going for. Roadside Prophets is pretty much how I wanna roll.