Just nothing special, but a cozy workinghorse of a jacket. : Like an M65-fieldjacket, but without flap-pockets, breast-pockets, shoulder-straps and with a fixed lining and a smaller regular-fit.:
So, nothing like a M65 at all.
Just nothing special, but a cozy workinghorse of a jacket. : Like an M65-fieldjacket, but without flap-pockets, breast-pockets, shoulder-straps and with a fixed lining and a smaller regular-fit.:
Rich Sher Sheep Lined Horsehide Half-Belt. early 50s. this is as high quality older leather jacket as I have owned. We are probably around the same age.
That's spectacular!!!Good Wear Imperial this evening in honor of JC's mother:
View attachment 61769 Alpha leather MA-1
Looking incredible, what leather is this