Actually wore it yesterday. This is c/o our own Razzman.
I cleaned up the bash today, it looks a bit better now.
Barbisio "perugia". Some of the best felt I've laid my hands on.
Thank you! It's one of my favourite hats. The felt is just amazing!
Nice background. I think that Japanese Maple trees aren't found around here.Today the Japanese Maple is really dropping leaves. My Lee Twenty t follow the "parade of twenties" from yesterday...
They are native from Japan, Korea and other oriental areas.Joao, thanks! Those trees must be imported from Japan? They were here when I bought the house, and have actually had offers to buy from landscapers. Go figure...
No, no. It have a nice 4" wide brim.Joao also nice clean looking 7x even if the brim looks too smal for you