Wonderful shade of blue , Daniele. Super looking hat.During my absence, tons of fine hats have appeared, mentioning them all is a difficult undertaking, so applauding all the loungers
For the series dedicated to the French hats producers today a Meer made by Thibet that almost certainly was made before the second world war
The hat manufacturer is Thibet and I have several hats from this brand in my French collection and they are among my favourites
Almost always they were made of wool or a mixture of wool and fur
Without lining it has only an insert with the name of the Meer hats shop on the bottom of the crown
The wool is very malleable and of excellent quality. The proportions are those of forms in vogue in the twenties and thirties
I can not give you any further information because the sweatband is very dry to watch at the paper label
Have a nice day!