Thanks! Super looking Borsalino on your side!
Thanks! Super looking Borsalino on your side!
Strapped; Excellent Strat. They are a fav. model of mine.
T.Jones; Your computer imaging skills are worthy. Good pics of hats.
Fruno; Akubra CD's get a nod for being a versatile fedoras.
Foamy; Great straw hat, but it is even better having a talented spouse. Congrats.
Harv; The Know looks pristine. Excellent.
Parry; Looking sharp. Glass frames, fancy-fancy shirt and Stetson work together to build the image of a sharp, relaxed dude.
Charlie; 1st Fawcett or the 10th Fawcett - they all are treasures. Love the steel felt - classy and wearable.
Knotten; Applause for the family! You are a wealthy man. Hats not so bad either.
Danielle; Classy Borsalino. I like the tipped ribbon treatment of the hat.
Jeff; Upright or sideways I love the lid. A pleasure to see your post sir.
Tevi; Excellent pics today. The fedora appears sharp & having maleable felt.
Bob; I have my share of lattes so as I reflect I should investigate a like named straw hat. Yours looked comfy this warm summer.
Lt; Excellent vacation spot. One of the nicest spots in the world, IMO. Sweet custom ordered.
Moe; Felt weather rocks!
Moon; You are the man! Oh yea, fedora is cool too!
Gear; Sharp color coordination between shirt, hat and hair. Coordinating hair is not something I have thought about for a decade or so. Good pic.
Steve; Wow. The blues in your pic are gorgeous in their vibrancy. The blue really demands my eye to look. Well done!
John; I like the pic sir. Big brims work in the pic. As to the nose, my big scandinavian nose works with bigger and smaller brims. Mostly I have learned to enjoy having a "distinctive dimensioned nose."
Best to all, Eric -
Nutria, such a nice felt.Brown Stetson Nutria Quality for the John Hiatt concert tonight.
You can just make out the hat over my big Portuguese nose & sh## eating grin!
Rehfus & Cie.
Very nice Cordova.
And that Knox is just perfect; the ribbon stripes ROCK, Trevi!!!
Kudos to the trilby, Trenchy! Smart looking little lid, lad!!