I agree. I understand why hats have the bow on the other side when taking a photo in the mirror but why are these reversed?
Your pics never fail to make me hungry.
Thin ribbon Borso today.
You've got some great hats, but I think this one may be my favorite of those I've seen.I know what you mean...
Thin ribbon Borso today.
I didn't understand this principle when I first saw it mentioned in another post. Turns out, I'm a bit of a "neophyte" myself, when it comes to Web Cams. My latest computer is just a year old (maybe less), and came with an integral web cam (my first). It doesn't do the "mirror" mode, it shows the correct side like a standard video camera. Of course, I didn't know this for the first 6 month or so, as I didn't even know how to turn it on! Wanting to view my hats on me was what made me finally figure it out (still don't shoot that many here, usually a camera or more recently my new phone).Possibly a shot taken from a laptop camera?
Possibly a shot taken from a laptop camera?
I get the same "feedback" from my "radio". yesterday I found three of my hats moved and carelessly thrown into a clothes basket in my office.... I swear I was so furious I was speaking in foreign tongues of long dead languages! Sure they take up some space. But look sharp and have more character than a pile of Martha Stewart magazines!!
I love this photo. I have to ration my visible hats. Any time I have too many out in view at one time the tension in the household increases a bit and it's not my Golden Retiever Arthur that is the one getting fussed up.....
My roommate wants in on this now. He's not a forum joiner, but he is a hat enthusiast. This is the hat he was wearing today. He found it at Target.
Cool picture ~