Awesome work!Today with a little steam I reshape my VS Sand
Beautiful OR, hato, it really looks great on you.
Wonderful photo, Rob. It still looks a bit chilly, though, as you have your coat buttoned up!
Delectans, Wonderful photos... thanks very much for the taking the time to share the adventure.
Rob, it's been a long time since I've been to Letchworth... great to see it here.
Awesome work!
looks like an advertisement for a hat I'd buy, nice photo.
tag reads
"Durable- Practical- Comfortable- Plain"
was an amish optimo crown. A bit of water and it's now something a bit more my style.
Thanks for the compliment!
It's my favorite fedora, although it took me several months to adjust to the smaller brim. lol
I'm still not sure if it suits me, but it is a real pleasure to wear.
Neo, you're crazy, it looks great on you. I really like the color combo.