Is this Jaxon's wool felt C-Crown hat, or a fur felt version? I think I have the same one, looks good!
It's the cursahble wool.
Trying to play catch up. This thread will get away from ya if you don't look for a day.
Adam Marston Bluemetal today...
I've been wearing this old Lothar's down... warmest coat I have. I couldn't figure out why it lasted to May at 90% off, until I realized it was a 6X (XLs, not Beaver.)
Harry likes it too. Open Road on top.
That should be your trademark hat. Great color on that great lid and it looks great on!
That is a great look.I'm wearing my blue smoke VS fedora today:
Adam Marston Bluemetal today...
Damn that cursahble wool. :coffee:
Adam Marston Bluemetal today...