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What Did You Drink Last Night?


I want to mix up a pitcher of Mai Tai for some company tonight. I still can't find the Rock Candy syrup, but I've been using a simple syrup, and the drinks are coming out pretty well. The original recipe calls for "Juice from one lime", or somehting similar to that. If I wanted to make, say, 10 servings in a pitcher (which I would then shake with ice, pour into a glass and garnish with mint (FRESH mint, from my flower beds, BTW)), how many ounces of fresh lime juice should I use?

Depending on the lime, it generally gives about 1(.5 ounce) to 2(1 ounce) tablespoons depending on the size of the lime. I don't like lime very much so I use the lower number. :D

I want to mix up a pitcher of Mai Tai for some company tonight. I still can't find the Rock Candy syrup, but I've been using a simple syrup, and the drinks are coming out pretty well. The original recipe calls for "Juice from one lime", or somehting similar to that. If I wanted to make, say, 10 servings in a pitcher (which I would then shake with ice, pour into a glass and garnish with mint (FRESH mint, from my flower beds, BTW)), how many ounces of fresh lime juice should I use?

I forgot to mention that simple syrup is a bit less sweet than rock candy syrup as it has less sugar. It is also missing a bit of vanilla that is in Trader Vic's Rock Candy Syrup. That means if the recipe calls for 1 ounce of syrup then you should use 1.5 ounces with a drop of vanilla added. I hope my answer isn't too late. :D:cheers1:

Ethan Bentley

One Too Many
The New Forest, Hampshire, UK
James Bond Gin & Tonic



My Mail is Forwarded Here
Norman Oklahoma

I've been working my way through the Rye Recipes and tried the Suburban last night:

* 1 1/2 ounces rye whisky
* 1/2 ounce dark rum
* 1/2 ounce port
* 1 dash orange bitters
* 1 dash Angostura bitters


Since I already had all of the ingredients, I tried one. One will be fine. It's all booze, and I might as well as had the whiskey straight. I like Port (by itself), I like Rye Whiskey (by itself) and I like Dark Rum and Coke. This wasn't exactly a Reese's cup (great tastes that taste great together).

Later Y'all


A-List Customer
Newport County, Rhode Island
I have a pitcher of the 20th century Blues Cocktail in my fridge (the Mai Tais were more popular this weekend) so I'm hoping ot have a teeeny taste of one tonight. But I've got to be on guard and capable of driving at a monent's notice b/c my daughter is due to be born within the next 5 days (My wife actually instituted a NO DRINKING policy between now and her birth. And it is the ONLY acceptable reason NOT to drink, that I can think of...)
I have a pitcher of the 20th century Blues Cocktail in my fridge (the Mai Tais were more popular this weekend) so I'm hoping ot have a teeeny taste of one tonight. But I've got to be on guard and capable of driving at a monent's notice b/c my daughter is due to be born within the next 5 days (My wife actually instituted a NO DRINKING policy between now and her birth. And it is the ONLY acceptable reason NOT to drink, that I can think of...)

Popular Mai Tais eh? Sounds good to me. :D
I am sure everything will be fine with your wife and child. Congratulations in advance.:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap

Brad Bowers

I'll Lock Up
It was a case of making lemons out of lemonade tonight.

My wife and I have been friends with an elderly couple across the street from us since we moved in three years ago. The husband passed away a couple of years ago, though, so we go over to visit or the widow comes over to our house quite often. She likes whiskey and beer, and she keeps some on hand for me at her house, as we do shots together. Anyway, to get to the point, the last few bottles, she's thought she's bought whiskey, and it's always turned out to be some kind of liqueur, usually pretty undrinkable. I think the labels have been fooling her. I never say anything, just get through it. Tonight, she again thought she had bought whiskey, and instead it was Evan Williams Cherry Reserve Kentucky Liqueur. Sickly sweet and extremely cherry, like cough syrup. Couldn't taste the alcohol at all. She apologized again for buying the wrong thing, but I poured a shot into a glass, then filled it to the top with Pepsi. Tasted like Wild Cherry Pepsi, but with a kick that catches up to you. So, we made do with what we had and enjoyed it after all. I like Cherry Cokes and the like, so I may keep a bottle of this stuff around for just such a cocktail.


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