Meerschaum pipes smoke cool and dry. From my experience they are not more work than a briar; as jamespowers suggests, they require less maintainence. With meerschaum pipes, unlike briar, you do not need to develop cake or break in the pipe. In fact, you don't want to form cake in a meer, so you want to thoroughly clean out the pipe bowl after smoking.
Now some smokers of Turkish meerschaums will be careful not to touch the bowl of the hot meerschaum pipe while smoking, fearing oils from the hand will affect how the pipe colors. I've never had that problem. Peterson and Barling meerschaum pipes are/were carved out of Manx meerschaum--African meerschaum carved on the Isle of Manx. Some smokers don't like African meerschaum as it is a bit heavier, but it is also tougher yet colors like Turkish meerschaum.
The only concern I'd have regarding smoking a meer is cold weather (i.e., winter cold). You don't want to go outside in cold weather with an already hot meerschaum pipe as the quick change in ambient temperature may cause the pipe to crack.
Oh, you may also find that some tobaccos taste better when smoked in a meerschaum. If you like pipes smoking, you should try out a meerschaum.
Smoking Dunhill Nightcap in a Barling meer.
Meerschaum pipes smoke cool and dry. From my experience they are not more work than a briar; as jamespowers suggests, they require less maintainence. With meerschaum pipes, unlike briar, you do not need to develop cake or break in the pipe. In fact, you don't want to form cake in a meer, so you want to thoroughly clean out the pipe bowl after smoking.
Now some smokers of Turkish meerschaums will be careful not to touch the bowl of the hot meerschaum pipe while smoking, fearing oils from the hand will affect how the pipe colors. I've never had that problem. Peterson and Barling meerschaum pipes are/were carved out of Manx meerschaum--African meerschaum carved on the Isle of Manx. Some smokers don't like African meerschaum as it is a bit heavier, but it is also tougher yet colors like Turkish meerschaum.
The only concern I'd have regarding smoking a meer is cold weather (i.e., winter cold). You don't want to go outside in cold weather with an already hot meerschaum pipe as the quick change in ambient temperature may cause the pipe to crack.
Oh, you may also find that some tobaccos taste better when smoked in a meerschaum. If you like pipes smoking, you should try out a meerschaum.
Smoking Dunhill Nightcap in a Barling meer.