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Well, It Looks Like I'm On Strike...

Mr. Lucky

One Too Many
SHUFFLED off to...
As of Monday, 12:01 am, the WGAw, of which I am a member of, and the WGAe will be walkin' the pickets! I support my Guild, and I understand their positions - most of them - but, man, it couldn't come at a worse time! So, please, if you want to be spared an onslaught of hurried-script movies and even more bizzare and banal reality TV, pray for a quick resolution! If not, look for me at the Cahuenga off ramp of the 101 Freeway. I'll be the guy wearin' the hat, holdin' the sign - WILL WRITE FOR FOOD!


I'll Lock Up
Corsicana, TX
Mr. Lucky said:
As of Monday, 12:01 am, the WGAw, of which I am a member of, and the WGAe will be walkin' the pickets! I support my Guild, and I understand their positions - most of them - but, man, it couldn't come at a worse time! So, please, if you want to be spared an onslaught of hurried-script movies and even more bizzare and banal reality TV, pray for a quick resolution! If not, look for me at the Cahuenga off ramp of the 101 Freeway. I'll be the guy wearin' the hat, holdin' the sign - WILL WRITE FOR FOOD!

Is this to be forever known as the LUCKY STRIKE?

Jeff, I hope this doesn't last too long and that you will ask for assistance if you really need it.


New in Town
Carter was too quick on the ball with the Lucky Strike joke. I instantly thought the same thing.

Good luck with the efforts.

Mr. Lucky

One Too Many
SHUFFLED off to...
Thanks folks! What people outside the business don't understand is that, well, sure, we're overpaid - WHEN we're working, that is! Some are lucky enough to work consistently, but the majority are not. And that majority relies on residuals to make their nut! And residuals are one of, if not THE, main sticking points of negotiations. The residual formula has not changed in 25 years, since the advent of Beta. Out of the sale of every DVD - averaging twenty bucks a pop - the writer gets just FOUR CENTS! And what we are asking for is to double that - EIGHT CENTS!

I don't know, it's all very...frustrating! I don't WANT to be on strike, I need to work! And a strike will hurt the biz. But the studios, they have to know that the work will stop if the writer is not treated fairly.


One Too Many
Central Illinois
Solidarity, brother. I hope that the strike is resolved soon and favorably. It's never easy to be on the picket line...my thoughts will be with you.

- Johnny (Proud member of the CWA/TNG/IOU Local 34071, AFL-CIO)


One Too Many
To echo Johnnysan: Solidarity! I hope it is resolved quickly and in your favor!!

Also a proud union member-DCTU/AFSCME Local 189, AFL-CIO


One Too Many
When they get paid - you get paid! Solidarity! The actors are with you, and I hope to be a WGA member some day! Fight the good fight and it will hep us all.

Ecuador Jim

A-List Customer
Isn't it amazing that those who create memorable content are pitifully compensated for their efforts?

Best wishes for a quick resolution!


North of 60
Ecuador Jim said:
Isn't it amazing that those who create memorable content are pitifully compensated for their efforts?

It's not all that surprising really.....my avatar should sufficiently offer my opinion as to why.



Mr. Lucky

One Too Many
SHUFFLED off to...
Thank you, EVERYBODY, for your support! Just got the email confirmation and I'll be picketing a studio/network next week. By the way, what is the fashion for walking the line? Suggestions?


North of 60
Mr. Lucky said:
Thank you, EVERYBODY, for your support! Just got the email confirmation and I'll be picketing a studio/network next week. By the way, what is the fashion for walking the line? Suggestions?

Historically, whatever is worn, it really should be accessorized in some manner with a baseball bat. You must keep in mind that, since you are in America, anything other than a wooden Louisville Slugger is pushing the fashion envelope. Aluminum is never acceptable regardless of ones locale or national origin (Cricket bats however may be acceptable in the UK or former colonies). Further, you must exhbit proper form when the implement is swung laterally at management or scab automobiles as they pass. In keeping with time honored social norms, you MUST swing more forcefully at all luxury European brands and may adopt a more "ceremonial" swing ONLY IF the automobile is that of a strike breaker AND more than 20 years old (the auto MUST also be in unrestored condition). It is appropriate and very fashionable to allow all bits of broken glass and plastic to remain on the street as a warning to future scabs. :) lol :)

Good luck.



Practically Family
The Virginia Peninsula
Of course...

Mr. Lucky said:
Thank you, EVERYBODY, for your support! Just got the email confirmation and I'll be picketing a studio/network next week. By the way, what is the fashion for walking the line? Suggestions?

...my first suggestion would be for you to be a fedora clad fashion plate. However, if your claim is you are getting stiffed, gypped, underpaid, etc., maybe you need to wear some worn and moth-eaten garment that subtlety give that: "I desperately need more green" look. ;)

Mr. Lucky

One Too Many
SHUFFLED off to...
eightbore said:
Historically, whatever is worn, it really should be accessorized in some manner with a baseball bat. You must keep in mind that, since you are in America, anything other than a wooden Louisville Slugger is pushing the fashion envelope. Aluminum is never acceptable regardless of ones locale or national origin (Cricket bats however may be acceptable in the UK or former colonies). Further, you must exhbit proper form when the implement is swung laterally at management or scab automobiles as they pass. In keeping with time honored social norms, you MUST swing more forcefully at all luxury European brands and may adopt a more "ceremonial" swing ONLY IF the automobile is that of a strike breaker AND more than 20 years old (the auto MUST also be in unrestored condition). It is appropriate and very fashionable to allow all bits of broken glass and plastic to remain on the street as a warning to future scabs. :) lol :)

Good luck.

Actually, that part, the "accessory" has been taken care of - a given, really. I have a quite well worn - moderately chipped - Louisville Slugger that's been hanging over the threshold of most of my abodes for the past 14 years and, quite sincerely, brought out on only the most special of occassions, hence the moderate chipping. I did have the option of being issued a NEW one, but I declined. The coloration of the wood has become quite unique over time - oil from hands, other stains from...nevermind. Now, the most important question - what will match it? Do I go with a Unionesque 8/4 wool newsboy and matching dock workers jacket? Or do I take more of a...sophisticated, striker-about-town approach and wear a grey fedora and corduroy blazer? The corduroy is thick, and stain repellent! Decisions, decisions...

PS - Who IS that in your avatar?


One Too Many
Fort Collins, CO
I'll offer this - if a writer's strike inflicts more "reality" shows of any kind on the public, the President should declare a national emergency!!

But I'd settle for re-runs of Have Gun Will Travel, Maverick, Sugarfoot, Cheyenne and other 50's westerns.

Good luck to you..hope this is s short event!


I'll Lock Up
Corsicana, TX
Mr. Lucky said:
Actually, that part, the "accessory" has been taken care of - a given, really. I have a quite well worn - moderately chipped - Louisville Slugger that's been hanging over the threshold of most of my abodes for the past 14 years and, quite sincerely, brought out on only the most special of occassions, hence the moderate chipping. I did have the option of being issued a NEW one, but I declined. The coloration of the wood has become quite unique over time - oil from hands, other stains from...nevermind. Now, the most important question - what will match it? Do I go with a Unionesque 8/4 wool newsboy and matching dock workers jacket? Or do I take more of a...sophisticated, striker-about-town approach and wear a grey fedora and corduroy blazer? The corduroy is thick, and stain repellent! Decisions, decisions...

I favor the classic dockworker look myself.

In case they confiscate your LS, you might want to consider a cosh, brass knuckles, and a lightsabre
. :D


North of 60
Mr. Lucky said:
Now, the most important question - what will match it? Do I go with a Unionesque 8/4 wool newsboy and matching dock workers jacket? Or do I take more of a...sophisticated, striker-about-town approach and wear a grey fedora and corduroy blazer? The corduroy is thick, and stain repellent! Decisions, decisions...

PS - Who IS that in your avatar?

The "dock worker" look fits with the baseball bat for sure and it's funny how these events can cause people to get into character. I remember the local UPS strike what about 10 years ago now and those Teamsters were not messin' around. :) Mild mannered Steve the UPS driver got real nasty and there were lots of UPS trucks in need of repair as I recall. If you go for the more sophisticated look, it might be time to consider something like this from www.coldsteel.com. That's "Che" in the avatar by the way. :)


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