Has anyone dealt with Puttin on the Ritz? Their dresses are very cute and great fabrics. http://puttin-on-the-ritz.net/
This shop is so cute. I hate when they don't say the fabric content though. The dress is adorable on you (what I can see from your blog)
Basically I can't sew....I will attempt to once more when we are moved out of our house and into the new one, but even then, it's a long shot at best. I live in the po-dunk South of USA, so thrift stores that carry good quality vintage items are non-existent. My size is weird so ordering online is never a good idea. Does anyone attempt vintage looks with what they find at Target, Kohls, JCPenney, etc.? How would I go about doing this? Thank you!
I just found a great rayon top in a ditzy floral at Forever 21 for about $18. It has a peter pan collar and a tie at the front.
Not the best photo but you can see the collar and tie. Its paired with a mohair cardigan from H&M that had a high waistline ribbing.
I have a swingy early 60s style jacket I found at Kohl's last spring that, when paired with capris and ballet flats, have a very Audrey Hepburn look to it. I just look for classic shapes. Places like Anthropologie and Urban Outfitters often have vintage-inspired pieces.
Does that help?
May I ask when you bought the cardigan? I really like it. And your hair is great, btw.
Well, I ran a search but didn't come up with much. Have any of you gals much experience with Tara Starlet (especially if you're in the USA like me)? Some of the dresses are so cute -- particularly the homefront dancing dress -- but I'm wondering if it's worth the price/easy to order?
Thanks, Katinka! Sadly, the H&M cardigan was acquired at a clothing swap. My co-workers have an annual clothing swap. We bring all the unwanted garments and then root around in each other's stashes looking for that gem. Everything that doesn't get snapped up gets donated to a local women's charity. I usually find a few pieces that I can either use or alter. The sweater is actually a bit too large for me but I've been wearing it anyway because its so cute.... what size do you wear?
Hi ladies;
Has anyone had any experience with this company called ChicStar? They seem to be making Stop Staring knock-offs at incredibly low prices, and as I could never afford most repro dresses, I'd like to give this site a try. I'm sure they're not great quality, but has anyone ever bought one? Any feedback?
Their dresses are pretty cute, considering they're under $40.00 each...I've wondered about them too. The dresses you posted RodeoRose are nice and the pants...well I completley agree. :eeek: And by the way you look stunning with your new hair cut, and I think you have a look that works with no matter what you do, AMAZING.
Has anyone had any recent experiences with Big Beautiful Barbara Brown? I'm particularly interested in international experiences. I have my eye on the 40s sweetheart dress in one of the tartans. Any thoughts on fit? I'm short-waisted with small shoulders and a full bust.
Any help appreciated!
Has anyone bought any dresses from Shabby Apple?
They have a 1943 collection and some others that look vintage inspired.