It will help to sell this if you can provide the key measurements. XL is almost meaningless and can vary by several sizes even within a brand. Shoulder width, pit to pit, back length and sleeve length (shoulder seam to end of knits). Also what leather it is. It looks like lambskin - is that right?
In short, the jacket runs on the large size. I use to be a younger and bigger man. When I purchased this coat back in the 90s, it fit well, but I was 6-2-230lb
H Christo - the important one is pit to pit - with the jacket zipped and lying flat, measure right under the armpits across. The back measurement should be taken from the middle - from the seam under the collar to the end of the knits. Shoulder width needs to be more precise as even half an inch makes a difference to someone wanting to buy this. If the shoulder width is over 20 inches it is very large. Are you sure the sleeves is 30 inches? 27 inches would be classed as long.
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