I think the term is "belly warmers" which are short, wide ties. Most of my 40's ties would qualify I think. I'm a tall guy, so I make the smallest knot possible to get the longest length. flat-top
I have always been a full-windsor, I used to know the other types, but have since forgot. I love 40's ties, more for their shape than patterns, I love the short, fat look of them.
I use a pratt or shelby knot, which is identical in appearance when finished, but less complex than a double windsor.
Don't forget the dimple! And an easy rule of thumb: '30s style, small knot, with a collar pin. '40s style, large knot with no collar pin, and preferably a collar that is cut such that it is close to the tie on both sides.
Wholeheartedly agreed. I like the four in hand a lot. When I dress forties I prefer my ties to have a "been sitting behind the gumshoe desk a little too long today" look.
and I don't care if I dress forties I still wear collar bars. I look at a collar bar the same way I look at French Cuffs. In the convoluted words of Mr. Magoo "It's the only way to dress!"
Although I have just made my first bow tie, so, for the sake of pride, I may start wearing bow ties primarily... hmm. Can someone say Dan Crosby?
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