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Things one should know...

Doc...You beat me to it!

As soon as I saw this thread, that was the first thought that I had! Too funny you had it too!

For those who have not read it, the Notebooks of Lazarus Long contain some of the most pratical advice for a man anywhere. Right behing it are James Humes "How to Be a Very Important Person" and Esquires "Etiquette: The Modern Man's Guide to Good Form".



I'll Lock Up
New England
Know the difference between confidence and cockiness.

How to have a thick skin regarding comments made to him, but sensitivity in making comments to others.

A mind open to learning new things, but knowing the importance of trusting one's conscience.


Practically Family
Since you are going to be in Washington, DC and attending American you'll need to know how to network and market yourself. I guess that goes for anyplace, but here it's especially important. Take advantage of the career center and extra-curricular opportunities on campus. Join professional organizations and societies within your area of interest. Go to as many seminars on campus as possible - AU brings in a lot of great speakers.

If you are interested in working for a government agency over the summer check out SCEP and STEP programs. These positions might require a nomination from the host agency - but I'm not 100% sure.

Also, DC has a zone system for taxi cabs. Some people know it - a lot of the cab drivers don't (if they do they ignore it). Try and get a feel for the map of the zones.


Burma Shave

One of the Regulars
Columbia SC
Also specific to DC or any other large city:

Learn to say no to panhandlers. It will be a necessary skill in DC.

Other necessary skills:

If you smoke, learn how to roll a cigarette.

If you own a car, learn how to change the oil, rotate the tires and do other routine maintenance. Actually, learn these things even if you don't have a car. Helping someone else with their upkeep is a sure way to earn a ride somewhere.

It's not really "know-how", but almost every 18-year-old man I've ever known needed to learn to hold the door for a lady.

And in my opinion, the primary thing most teenage males need to learn is that other teenagers are the wrong people to emulate. If you're interested in making an impression on people, know this: Most high school and college-age guys behave like genuine donkeys. If you want to fit in with that crowd, chances are you wouldn't be visiting the Fedora Lounge, though.

Mr Nick

New in Town
Aiken, S.C.
Things to learn

1- Do the things you have to do before the things you want to do (to do list stuff not major life things) that way you have more time to have fun & less distractions. Also you'll be ahead of all the others who haven't figured this part out yet.
2- Your choice of friends has a major influence on your life and your outlook - Choose wisely!
3- Always make a good 1st impression
4- It takes a lifetime to develop a good reputation and a few minutes to destroy one.
5- Listen more, talk less. You learn more and people will think you're smarter than you are if you don't open your mouth and show them differently.
6- Be respectful to little kids and old people. You're influencing the young ones, do it right. The older ones deserve it.
7- Take time to get away by yourself every so often and just relax and think about things.
8- Don't ever spend money you don't have! (Good rule, hard to live by!)
9- NEVER lie or steal (See #4 above)
10- Always tell the people you love that you love them. You never know if you'll get another chance.

Keep everything in perspective and laugh alot! Life is meant to be enjoyed!;)


A-List Customer
Try to darken a church's door when possible. They'll be glad to have you, and you might learn something.

And I need a chance to test my avatar. But the advice stands! :)

Marc Chevalier

Gone Home
Los Feliz, Los Angeles, California

More important than anything else is to know how to handle money.
You should know how to calculate simple interest at the least and compound with a financial calculator.
You should be able to budget money in a responsible manner and take responsiblity for your budgeting.
You should know how to invest in stocks, bonds and mutual funds because these are instruments that will tie into your retirement and stay with you for life. This also involves understanding worth and net worth.
Most of all, all of this should be taught in our schools so financial charlatans do not take advantage of the ignorance of the public. No money down mortgages, credit cards and various other loans that have you paying just interest while the principal continues to grow are just a few of these schemes played on the uninformed. :rage: This stuff has to stop. Give yourself a financial education and it pays for itself.



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