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The Yoga Pants trend


Familiar Face
Another step I suppose, in the casualization of the world is the trend for girls to wear yoga pants all the time. I don't know if this has been covered before but at my school(and from what I've read this is happening around the country) it has become fashionable for girls to wear yoga pants as regular wear instead of workout gear. I must say I personally dislike it quite a bit. Most guys I know are big fans of it as it does....show off certain female parts rather well, but this only makes it worse in my opinion. I dunno maybe I'm just over reacting but I wish chicks around here knew how to dress well and not wear workout attire as casual wear. Any thoughts on this disturbing trend?

Wally in Cincy

One of the Regulars
I know exactly what you mean. As a carnal man I can't help but be captivated by the sight. But as a human being with a wife and daughter it is simply a sign of the coarsening of the culture. And that saddens me. If you want tittilating scenery there are plenty of places to find it but to have it thrown in your face at the grocer just somehow does not seem right.

It's called "class". And the women that dress like that don't have it IMHO.


Familiar Face
A fair point of course Dinerman. I just felt like seeing that was perhaps not appropriate for being in a professional setting or being in a class room. It just struck me as very unprofessional and I suppose it rubs me the wrong way because of that.


New in Town
New Jersey
I agree with Son of Atropos, but what sort of irks me is when girls wear leggings. Yoga pants, okay they're pants (sort of), but leggings are not and should not really be worn as such if you want to come off as a respectable, professional individual.


Familiar Face
I agree silverladybug. I respect others rights to wear whatever they want but I do think that there is a time and a place for some things. I of course usually wear blazers and sportcoats with slacks as opposed to jeans and a T shirt like most of my peers and I tend to think that its a way of presenting myself well to both those aorund me and my teachers. I understand that anyone can wear what they want but in a working or scholarly environment one should at least in my own very humble opinion, dress with a bit more professionalism than wearing yoga pants or jeans that are pushed down to expose underwear


I'll Lock Up
Isle of Langerhan, NY
People can wear whatever they want. I'll worry about what I wear. No one is 'right.' For anyone (person A) who thinks something someone else is wearing is wrong, there's someone who think what person A is wearing is wrong.


One Too Many
Plainfield, CT
In a prior thread, someone dug up some pretty uncalled for comments about the loungers here on at least one other message board, and of course, we have some threads here asking for the latest outfit criticism - I'm only familiar with the hat one, myself. By and large, the victims here go on undaunted, and rightfully so. I don't think women in sexy pants draw half as much criticism, probably none, and only compliments from me, to be honest. If a few people do draw negative conclusions about a pair of pants, they'd just as rightfully go on undaunted. One of the better things about modern times is we don't care what others wear. If a man wants to wear his great grandfather's 95 year old pants, that's just as great as if a woman wants to wear yoga pants. "You can't wear that" has been replaced with "I would never wear that" and the change is for the better. Don't like it, don't wear it. Personally, I'm not a fan of pink muscle shirts, so I don't have any. If a guy wants to wear one, who am I to tell the 200 lb weightlifter what's appropriate? Live and let live.


One Too Many
I don't even know what 'yoga pants' is, and even if I did, I doubt I'd mind. Personally, I'd probably be percieved as more professional if I didn't wear 30s-50s stuff, but really, you can't please all of the people all of the time. That way lies madness.

And dress pants can drape themselves really revealingly over men's 'assets' and if that bothers me, I can just not look. If I do look it's because I want to. I don't think I can blame our 'culture' for my own choices.


Practically Family
The outer frontier
I don't even know what 'yoga pants' is, and even if I did, I doubt I'd mind. Personally, I'd probably be percieved as more professional if I didn't wear 30s-50s stuff, but really, you can't please all of the people all of the time. That way lies madness.

And dress pants can drape themselves really revealingly over men's 'assets' and if that bothers me, I can just not look. If I do look it's because I want to. I don't think I can blame our 'culture' for my own choices.

Yoga Pants are very tight fitting stretchy pants designed to allow the wearer to contort into all manner of strange positions without interference from the garment. They're very tight fitting on the lady's bum. I don't really think it's fair to compare yoga pants to men's dress pants, but YMMV.

I think the issue underlying all of this sartorial criticism is the displeasure that many loungers (and many others, because I know plenty of people IRL who are fairly horrified by how a lot of people dress these days) is that people have lost their sense of decorum and propriety. It's not that they think it's appropriate so much as they are ignorant of what appropriate means and too lazy to find out. I definitely agree that people have a right to wear whatever they please as long as they're not crossing the legal boundaries of decency (no displaying of the naughty bits in public!) but those same people shouldn't be surprised, as another poster pointed out, that people draw negative inferences about them.

I'm a very casual guy when it comes to viewing others. I don't go around judging individuals harshly because they don't dress sharply or wear classical attire, but there comes a point where even I have to just say, "Okay, seriously? You have so little self respect that you wore that outside your house?"


London, UK
and maybe not call them "chicks"

Heh. Glad I'm not the only one..... For some reason that has always grated on me.

Personally, I tend towards a live and let live attitude, though naturally someone else's right to wear whatever they want doesn't preclude me from finding it ridiculous. Where I really do wish more people drew the line was with those leggings which go semi-transparent one donned, revealing everything about what the lady in question is (or, indeed, is not) wearing underneath. One can, of course, always opt not to look, though on public transport in rush hour this may or may not be practical - and there are always those inadvertent sightings. The first few times I saw it, I couldn't entirely dismiss the notion that the ladies in question had simply forgotten to don their skirts on top of their tights.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
The first few times I saw it, I couldn't entirely dismiss the notion that the ladies in question had simply forgotten to don their skirts on top of their tights.

Exactly right. The main problem I have with modern styles is that they simply make no aesthetic sense. You mean you actually *wanted* to accentuate your belly, your thighs, and your backside like that, in such a way that your entire body is thrown out of proportion? Is the Papuan Fertility Idol look really in vogue this season?
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Familiar Face
Hmmm. Interesting discussion so far. I do heavily agree with GinandTonics that while I don't neccesarily think people should have to dress a certain way i do simply think that theres a time and place for everything and the sense of knowing when to wear or when not to wear something is dissapearing. This is all just an opinion as I'm no expert in the art of dressing but I do like to dress well if I will be in a working environment and tend to think that exercise gear is not appropriate for that occasion and also that yoga pants are indeed very tight fitting when girls wear them, far more so than any dress pants I personally own although others may have a diffrent viewpoint of course. I guess at this point I'm simply asking you guys if in your opinion this trend is appropraite for a working or professional environment since I personally feel its a bit out of place

olive bleu

One Too Many
Nova Scotia
My workplace has a "business casual' dress code most days and "business dress" when the grand poo-bah comes to visit. For those who need help figuring out what this means, Our Employee handbook has a handy , lengthy document that explains in great detail what one can, and cannot wear. Yoga pants, not surprisingly, are on the 'unacceptable' list. I know a woman who wears them regularly but the rest of her is appropriate (jacket, blouse,heels, etc) and somehow has gotten away with it. i certainly could not pull it off. I feel it is really up to management to decide whether this is worth enforcing. This woman is also someone who's performance at work is superior and has won awards. maybe if she was a slacker,they would not be so willing to turn a blind eye.


One Too Many
yoga pants are indeed very tight fitting when girls wear them, far more so than any dress pants I personally own although others may have a diffrent viewpoint of course.

If you are referring to my comment then it's not about "tight", it's about "drape". And... Yeah.

I'm not going to say more or you're all going to realise... I mean, think, ahem... I'm a perv. :rolleyes:

Exactly right. The main problem I have with modern styles is that they simply make no aesthetic sense. You mean you actually *wanted* to accentuate your belly, your thighs, and your backside like that, in such a way that your entire body is thrown out of proportion? Is the Papuan Fertility Idol look really in vogue this season?

Haha, that's so true! And somehow the people who tend to wear that sort of outfit is always the ones for whom the fashion was most notably not created.

I'll be first in line to pass judgement on aesthetic grounds. IMO, there are many people who should be physically corrected by the fashion police for brute ugliness of dress. However, I don't think dressing poorly is a sign of poor self-respect or lack of morals, just a sign of poor taste. But then I'm the girl who got up and got dressed today despite being sick as a dog today only because I was getting a delivery and there was no way I would ever, ever answer the door in my PJs (or PJ bottoms and a sweatshirt) or even without doing my hair. We're talking about opening the door, signing, and closing...

All in all, I'm ready to forgive any short-coming save stupidity and poor taste.
Orange County, CA
The funniest part of yoga pants, and even t-shirts and jeans for that matter, is that on many it doesn't even look very flattering. One of the great ironies of modern fashion is while it projects an image of egalitarianism, in truth only a supermodel looks even halfway decent in it. This is in stark contrast to the styles of the Golden Era which made almost any woman look attractive.

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