Farmers hanging around courthouse on court day during lunch hour. Campton, Kentucky. Marion Post Wolcott, 1940.
I bet somewhere on that square there's a fellow with his pocket knife out working on a piece of red cedar.
Farmers hanging around courthouse on court day during lunch hour. Campton, Kentucky. Marion Post Wolcott, 1940.
The original Slant.This is a cut away from a pic in the Oct issue of American Rifleman magazine. This guy wasn't named, but he was standing next to Gen Pershing as they were taking receipt of a pile of John Browning's 1917 machine guns.
Incredible bash on this hat!
Farmers hanging around courthouse on court day during lunch hour. Campton, Kentucky. Marion Post Wolcott, 1940.
Almost looks like some sort of surrender symbolismNo clue on what the flags are for.
The guy in the middle has been riding wayyy too long.
The guy in the middle has been riding wayyy too long.