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The Era -- Day By Day

New York City
...Another tenant in the building, concert violinist Carrol Glenn, escaped from her blazing apartment with a $30,000 violin under one arm and her dog under the other, and climbed safely down a snow-covered fire escape in a nightgown and bare feet. Miss Glenn told firemen she left behind a concert gown she was to wear during a performance with the Cleveland Symphony tomorrow night, along with her train fare to Cleveland -- but stressed that she will not cancel the performance.

The show must go on.


(Butch says "I will, as soon as I can get gas for the trucks!")

It was only after he got caught, but didn't Flynn pay for the stones - that's his defense, right? So what claim would the City have on the paving stones now? The City might have the "title," but Flynn should have a bill of sale and I'll bet you he made sure he got that piece of paper fully itemized. And in what legal system do paving stones have a "legal title" of ownership?


(Well, at least he'll lay off Irwin for a while.)

"...I'd rather as soon buy a new suit in the dark!"
"I always supposed you did!"

These guys need couples' counseling.


("Enny vay, mein boy, der lunch is rrrready mit der Liberty Cabbage...")

I simply don't have the intelligence to follow the storylines or even the connects from panel to panel in this strip. It has nice illustrations though.



Gotta keep in practice or you'll lose your edge.

"The first dead man on Omaha Beach must be a sailor." - The Americanization of Emily

If thrown together, Kayo and Shadow would make quite the team or one of them would be found dead - something would happen.
New York City
I'd do worse for a good apple pie...

On a side note, I only figured out today (quite by accident) how to enlarge the comics to make them easier to read. What a moron. All those blurry comics (especially TATP) that I missed.

If it makes you feel any better, enlarging the really blurry ones didn't help that much. Some were just not readable.
New York City
In the current TT&P storyline, if Joe Jitsu is a Japanese flier claiming to be Chinese, wouldn't the Chinese see right through that or have I completely confused the storyline, which is always possible?


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
I think the idea is that these Chinese are supposed to be simple peasant folk, but I suspect Mr. Caniff may have something up his sleeve about that. Mr. Jitsu isn't as clever as he thinks he is.

We haven't seen Connie and Big Stoop for about a year now -- I wouldn't be surprised if the Chinese underground has a unit near this village. Just sayin'.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("I read one'a Oiseleh Parret's books oncet," comments Joe. "Solly had it. Said he foun' it onna subway." "G'wan," gapes Sally. "You, read'n a book like t'at?" "Well," admits Joe, "I din' read t'whole book. Jus' -- soiten chaptehs. You know, wheah t'book fell op'n." "Like t'at ot'eh book you brung home 'at time?" chuckles Sally. "Oh yeah," nods Joe. "I f'got about't'at book. 'Ulysses,' it was cawled. I t'ought it was s'post'a be about Genr'l Grant, right? Toined out it wasn't. Jus' a lotta stuff 'bout some guy wit' a cat. I liked t'cat t'ough.")

Nazi Labor Commissioner Fritz Saukel has ordered all German men and women to "register for the defense of the Reich," according to a report today by the official German news agency DNB. The announcement that all men between the ages of 16 and 65, and all women between the ages of 17 and 45 are required to register for defense work comes as Allied successes in Russia and North Africa and heavy bombing of the European continent drives Germany to a frenzy of total war mobilization. Hitler, realizing the increasingly desperate position of the German armies, is expected to make a speech on Saturday marking his 10th anniversary in power by announcing a series of decrees placing the German civilian population on a war footing almost equaling that of men now in the armed forces. Meanwhile, a report from Switzerland states that Germany has already begun conscripting boys as young as 15 for full military or auxiliary service.


(And besides, fellas, a kid is not going to get you a III-A for much longer.)

Violators of air raid warning regulations in the Eastern Military Area may be legally banished from their homes and forced to relocate away from that territory, under authority granted the Army by the President under the executive order dated February 19, 1942. That order, which has already been used as the basis for the Army's evacuation of persons of Japanese decent from portions of the West Coast, could be brought to bear against persons found in violation of blackout restrictions, but military authorities here, including Lt. General Hugh A. Drum of the Eastern Defense Command and Dean James M. Landis, National Director of the Office of Civilian Defense, agree that such "vigorous enforcement" of the laws would be "neither intelligent nor successful," and they intend to rely on the discernment of local police and civil courts to handle such cases. Penalties for blackout and air raid warning violations so far have averaged fines of $25. The possibility of stricter enforcement, however, accompanies the adoption of new, standardized air raid warning policies which place all such warning systems under Federal jurisdiction, and cancels all previously-existing state and local regulations. The goal of such standardization is to eliminate confusion resulting from the use of different signals in different jurisdictions. Now, all signals issued from sirens and horns will be uniform, and have the same meaning in all locations.

When the new warnings take effect on February 17th they will be as follows: a long steady blast means enemy planes are believed to be on the way. This is the BLUE signal, and requires a total blackout of all buildings. All air raid wardens and civilian defense personnel must immediately mobilize, and all pedestrians must immediately seek shelter. If you are driving when the BLUE signal sounds, you may continue, observing dim-out rules, until you reach your destination, or are ordered to stop and leave your car. A series of short blasts means that enemy planes have arrived, and are overhead. This is the RED signal. All vehicular traffic must pull to the nearest curb or the side of the road and stop, and all drivers must leave their vehicles and seek immediate shelter. All pedestrians must seek immediate shelter. All passengers on buses or streetcars must get off and seek shelter. A long steady blast following the RED signal DOES NOT MEAN THE ALL CLEAR. It does mean you must remain alert, with the lights out, and prepared for the possible return of enemy planes. You may, however, return to your vehicle, and resume your trip, proceeding with caution, and passengers may reboard buses or streetcars. The official ALL CLEAR signal will be the switching on of street lights that had been blacked out, and announcement to that effect broadcast over radio, by telephone, by police announcement, or other means.


("Every candy store should haave a nickeloodeon," nods Ma Sweeney.")

A total of 315 city-owned vacant lots, including 146 in Brooklyn, will be rented out to private citizens for as little as 50 cents each on the provision that the tenants take responsibility of clearing the lots from weeds and use the land for the cultivation of vegetables. The Victory Garden program will operate this spring and summer under the auspices of the City Real Estate Bureau and the American Women's Voluntary Service. The AWVS will survey each lot, and will provide local units under the supervision of trained instructors to guide the tenants in proper agricultural practice. Each tenant, or group of tenants, will be responsible for providing their own farming equipment and labor. Under present law, there is no legal restriction on the cultivation of fruits and vegetables within the city limits, so long as the growing is not done on a commercial scale. However, growers with a demonstrated ability to produce crops on a commercial basis may apply to the city for a large-scale farming permit.

Police Commissioner Lewis J. Valentine issued a cryptic statement today concerning the investigation of the recent desecration of a Brooklyn synagogue. "No," replied the Commissioner in writing, when asked, in writing, whether it is the policy of the Police Department to instruct rabbis, and others connected with desecrated synagogues to keep quiet on the basis that publication may inspire similar acts of vandalism. A slightly more elaborate response to that question came from Captain Frank W. Young of the Ralph Avenue precinct, who stated "I am not going to talk about the matter at all." Neither the Commissioner nor Capt. Young responded in any way to an additional written question asking precisely what the Police Department is doing about anti-Semitic vandalism in Brooklyn. Rabbi Maurice L. Idell reported that Temple Ahavath Israel at 712 Quincy Street was broken into last Thursday, swastikas were scrawled inside, and the congregation's scrolls were desecrated.

Brooklyn women should waste less time playing mah-jongg and devote more of their time to war activities. Such was the message of former Assistant Attorney General Ruth Warters, speaking yesterday to a meeting of the Brooklyn Women's Division of the American Jewish Congress at the St. George Hotel. More than a thousand women attended the session, to hear Miss Warters, president of the Brooklyn group, declare that "out of this war a new type of woman will emerge, who will make a singular contribution to the treatment of political issues that impinge on the welfare and lives of people." She stressed that "lost hours cannot be salvaged, and one of our jobs as women is to set into motion the hands of those who 'toil not, neither do they spin.'"

The Eagle Editorialist deplores the lagging investigation into anti-Semitic vandalism and violence in Brooklyn, and points to what may be an interesting coincidence. The recent desecration of Temple Ahavath Israel in the Bedford-Stuyvesant district occured not far from the site of a similar incident reported in Commissioner of Investigations William Herland's report on anti-Semitism released some time ago. Might not this suggest to the police the possibility of a Nazified criminal gang operating in this section? And if this is so, just how is it that the police have no knowledge of the persons comprising such a gang? If the police can afford to have men sitting around the parlors of women accused of running bingo parlors, can not the police afford also to provide additional security to centers of Jewish worship?



A 52-year-old Bath Beach man denied possession of 1537 policy betting slips found in his home, including 1501 found inside his mattress. Antonio Caviglia of 153 Bay 26th Street pleaded innocent at his arraignment in Coney Island Court, with Plainclothesman Edward Bulger testifying that he found the betting slips in a search of the home., with 36 of them on Caviglia's person at the time of his arrest. The policeman also stated that Caviglia told him "I've been doing this for two years, I've been sick and can't work on anything else."


(If we don't get, at some point within the next two months, a big photo of Fitz on skis, I for one am going to feel terribly cheated. And Leo has a punctured eardrum? Probably from Magerkurth yelling at him.)




("Hey, it's a living, OK? What, you think Larry the Lobster Boy is really a lobster?")


(That's nothing, Irwin -- wait'll you meet her sister Bill.)


(Look, is there even an animal control office in this town?)


(Look, just claim you're Dutch till all this blows over. It worked for that Baron Munchausen guy on the radio!)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


I'm sure Mr. Folkes can look forward to a fair trial. Isn't that right, Private Wilson?


"...from the depths of a bulky silver fox jacket." Guess they really must've cut down on the heating.




There's got to be an OPA code against this.


Pure profit.


"Oh, don't be ridiculous, Arthur -- anyone can see you're a 4-F."


"Is that so? And this neighbor's name is...?"


Guess who speaks Mandarin, Japanese, and English?


Hey kid, shouldn't you be in the Junior Commandos by now?


"Oh, please meet our houseguest, the famous comedienne Charlotte Greenwood."
New York City

("I read one'a Oiseleh Parret's books oncet," comments Joe. "Solly had it. Said he foun' it onna subway." "G'wan," gapes Sally. "You, read'n a book like t'at?" "Well," admits Joe, "I din' read t'whole book. Jus' -- soiten chaptehs. You know, wheah t'book fell op'n." "Like t'at ot'eh book you brung home 'at time?" chuckles Sally. "Oh yeah," nods Joe. "I f'got about't'at book. 'Ulysses,' it was cawled. I t'ought it was s'post'a be about Genr'l Grant, right? Toined out it wasn't. Jus' a lotta stuff 'bout some guy wit' a cat. I liked t'cat t'ough.")

If Joe made it through "Ulysses," he's a better man than I am.

One is inclined to think Ms. Parrott didn't just happen to be with this guy.

The Eagle Editorialist deplores the lagging investigation into anti-Semitic vandalism and violence in Brooklyn, and points to what may be an interesting coincidence. The recent desecration of Temple Ahavath Israel in the Bedford-Stuyvesant district occured not far from the site of a similar incident reported in Commissioner of Investigations William Herland's report on anti-Semitism released some time ago. Might not this suggest to the police the possibility of a Nazified criminal gang operating in this section? And if this is so, just how is it that the police have no knowledge of the persons comprising such a gang? If the police can afford to have men sitting around the parlors of women accused of running bingo parlors, can not the police afford also to provide additional security to centers of Jewish worship?

"...just how is it that the police have no knowledge of the persons comprising such a gang? If the police can afford to have men sitting around the parlors of women accused of running bingo parlors, can not the police afford also to provide additional security to centers of Jewish worship?"

Fair point and one that highlights the mistake LaGuardia makes when he lets his obsessions overtake reason as a big part of his job is allocating the limited resources at his disposal to their best use for the City. The EE nailed him hard on this point as he deserved to be.



Lichty got a little bold today. Would have been bolder had he switched the kids' positions.


A 52-year-old Bath Beach man denied possession of 1537 policy betting slips found in his home, including 1501 found inside his mattress. Antonio Caviglia of 153 Bay 26th Street pleaded innocent at his arraignment in Coney Island Court, with Plainclothesman Edward Bulger testifying that he found the betting slips in a search of the home., with 36 of them on Caviglia's person at the time of his arrest. The policeman also stated that Caviglia told him "I've been doing this for two years, I've been sick and can't work on anything else."

(cut and paste) Ma Sweeney reads the article and slowly turns the page with a thoughtful, focussed mien.


("Hey, it's a living, OK? What, you think Larry the Lobster Boy is really a lobster?")

Really? Invisible Scarlett is going to use her super power to investigate if the dice in an illegal gambling parlor are loaded. Not-invisible Fading Fast can save her the trouble. If this keeps up, the Council of Super Heroes is going to consider taking her super power away at her next performance review.

And in the Daily N

I'm sure Mr. Folkes can look forward to a fair trial. Isn't that right, Private Wilson?

The most-impressive piece of testimony in the Flynn trial today is that Flynn sleeps straight through the night at the age of 33. I haven't done that since my teens.

Re "The Death Train," I'm not convinced of anything yet as no case with evidence has been put forth.


Pure profit.

A pure ~$17,000 tax-free profit in 2023 dollars.


"Is that so? And this neighbor's name is...?"

Wait till LaGuardia hears about the keno game.

"Nightclubs you say, did your neighbor mention an act that goes by the name of 'The Slither Sisters?'"

Oh, and...

Seriously, though, whatever became of Bimilech?

I'm really surprised Whirlaway's owners appear to be letting this guy use their horse's name.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("'S funnies' t'ing," comments Sally, as Joe shuffles into the kitchen, wiping sleep from his eyes. "I wen' downsteahs'sis mawrnin, awset t'tellat lousy supeh wheah t'get owff 'bout not shov'lin'a snow owffa t'stoop, an' ya neveh guess what hap'n." "Awla snow's shovel't owff," yawns Joe. "Yeh," nods Sally. "'Magine n'at. Awrmos' six yeeahs we live heah, six wintehs -- annis izza fois' time I din' hafteh raise hell t'get t'stoop shovel't. I ask ya!" "Uncle Frank is t'orough," notes Joe, as he tucks into his oatmeal. "What?" "Nut'n.")

Lend-Lease Administrator Edward R. Stettinius Jr. told the House Foreign Affairs Committee today that the lend-lease principle --"the principle of total cooperation among nations in the waging of the war" -- is the only one on which a war of alliance can be waged successfully. Stettinius further urged the committee to vote to extend authorization for the Lend-Lease program for another year, arguing that the question that should be asked is not whether we should continue to send supplies to our Allies -- but why we have not sent them more. Stettinus read from a prepared statement to open the Committee's hearings on extension of the Lend Lease Act.

The Italian ambassador to Germany, foppish Dino Alfieri, was horsewhipped by a German officer after that officer returned from the African front to find his wife in the ambassador's arms. According to a broadcast from the outlaw German radio station Gustave Siegfried Ens monitored by the United Press in London, Captain Joachim von Erz, a staff officer with a tank division of Rommel's Afrika Korps, arrived back at his home to discover his wife "with a man of Southern extraction, half undressed." The radio report stated that Captain von Erz whipped Alfieri across the face, threw him down a flight of stairs, and threw his clothes after him. The officer then, the broadcast stated, reported the matter to his superiors and request permission to challenge the ambassador to a duel. That permission was denied, according to the report, "due to the war situation," but the German Army, it is stated, has demanded that "Alfieri must disappear," lest it be "forgotten that he is an envoy of his Majesty the King of Italy."

Political bosses will have less chance to evade jail if recommendations put forward in the Amen Report are adopted by the State Legislature. Senator Thomas C. Desmond today introduced a total of fifteen bills embodying recommendations contained in former Assistant Attorney General John H. Amen's report on official corruption in Brooklyn, asserting that enacting these bills into law "will prevent modern Boss Tweeds from sidestepping jail thru legal technicalities and will make it easier to convict those who obstruct investigations of corruption." The bills would stiffen penalties for conspiracies to obstruct justice, for disclosing that an indictment has been handed down by a grand jury before the defendant is arrested, and for the disclosing of secret grand jury testimony by any member of that grand jury, with all of these acts to be designated as felonies. Any revelation of grand jury testimony by a stenographer would also become a felony. An additional provision would strike at the pension rights of any public employee who refuses to waive immunity from prosecution when summoned before a grand jury. Senator Desmond expressed the belief that Governor Thomas E. Dewey would sign these bills if they are passed by the Legislature.

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(Down to the wire...)

An astronomer took the witness stand today in the Hollywood statutory rape trial of film star Errol Flynn, to prove that 16-year-old Peggy Satterlee could have seen the moon thru the porthole of Flynn's yacht had she looked. Defense attorneys for the actor have claimed that the moon would not have been visible that night thru the porthole, but the prosecution brought C. H. Cleminshaw, acting director of the Griffith Park Observatory to the courtroom this morning with a celestial globe, which the witness used to demonstrate the position of the moon in the sky on the night of August 3, 1941. The prosecution claims that Flynn lured Miss Satterlee below deck on the pretense of showing her the moon thru the porthole, and then pushed her back on the bunk and assaulted her. Yesterday, the wavy-haired star, dark circles under his eyes nearly matching the color of his suit, repeated "No-no-no-no" to a string of prosecution questions concerning the events of that night.

March 1st is the deadline for all public buildings to be equipped with stirrup pumps, and Fire Commissioner Patrick Walsh warned property owners today that there will be no further delays in the implementation of the law requiring the presence of the devices in each building's required stock of air raid precaution equipment. Enforcement of the law has been postponed six times since it was enacted last June, due to shortages of pumps, but Commissioner Walsh stressed that there is now an ample supply being sold directly by the city at cost. Building owners who have not filed a certificate of compliance with the Fire Department by March 10th will face fines of $500.

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("Dr. Carruthers devotes his spare time to creating a giant killer bat which he trains to react violently to a certain scent." Well, everyone's got to have a hobby.)

The daily visit of the milkman may soon be a thing of the past, with the Government considering restricting milk deliveries to alternate days. The new regulation is being considered as a means of saving fuel and rubber for those milk routes which have not been converted back to the old horse and wagon. Taking effect on Monday will be rules prohibiting the sale of milk in pint or half-pint bottles, although cream will still be available in those sizes. Also taking effect Monday is a prohibition on milkmen carrying any more product on their routes than has been ordered and requiring that all orders for delivered items be made in writing at least a day in advance. Consumers are reminded also that deposits must now be paid on all bottles used, and will not be refunded if bottles are lost or broken.

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(Yeah, but did you donate your jimmy to the metal drive?)

Dodger broadcaster Walter "Red" Barber has been appointed an official Blood Donor Recruiting Agent of the Brooklyn Red Cross, and will serve full time in that position until the new baseball season begins. Barber, a blood donor himself, is credited with personally recruiting more than 13,000 donors by appeals during his baseball broadcasts last season.

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("But sir," whines Mr. McDonald, "I don't see why I have to do this! I've never been on skis in my life!" "Nonsense, boy!" gusts Mr. Rickey. "Outdoor sports will do you a world of good, prepare you for that strenuous life you soon will lead among the caribou!" "I told you there's no caribou in Montreal! It's a city! Like Brooklyn, only they talk funny. Look, why can't you get Leo to do this photo? Or Fitzsimmons! Everybody likes Fitzsimmons!" "Absurd, boy, absurd! Mr. Fitzsimmons is an elderly gentleman, withal of ample girth! One could scarcely expect..." "You're twenty years older than he is," interrupts Mr. McDonald. "You're as young as you feel, my boy," exhales Mr. Rickey, slapping his chest in the bracing winter air. "Behold the bloom of youth upon my cheeks. And, dare I say, upon yours as well." "I'm freezing, Mr. Rickey. Look, can we just take the picture so we can get back to the lodge. They've got cocoa there. Or rum toddies." "Ah, no, my boy, I have banished demon rum from the menu. One must be ever aware of the health of our fierce young athletes." "Higbe won't like this." "Perhaps not. But Higbe would like playing in Montreal, among the elk and the polar bears, even less.")

Norman Corwin's dramatic montage "The Four Freedoms" will serve as a highlight of the President's Birthday Salute tomorrow night over all four major networks. The program will also feature remote pickups from President's Birthday Balls held incities across the country to benefit the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. The President himself will speak at the conclusion of the program.

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("What? You mean my tattoo? Look, I had that done at Coney Island last summer, and I didn't get the name of the guy who did it. Some sailor or something. OK, so I'd had a little too much to drink..")

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(See, who says comics aren't educational?)

The_Brooklyn_Daily_Eagle_Fri__Jan_29__1943_ (7).jpg

("Say Dan, I got a letter from Kay yesterday. Remember Kay? She says she's been promoted to regional field supervisor, and is looking forward to your report on this case.")

The_Brooklyn_Daily_Eagle_Fri__Jan_29__1943_ (8).jpg


The_Brooklyn_Daily_Eagle_Fri__Jan_29__1943_ (9).jpg
("Oh. Um, I didn't expect -- I mean, Kerry and I...""Kerry? Who's SHE?" "Um...well...")


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


"His earlier confessions contained conflicting details. After talking to his wife he made a new confession with which police said they were satisfied."

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Maybe he just wasn't in the mood to dance.

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"The kitchen is the center of modern family life."

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"Now, about submarines..."

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I mean, I don't wanna be the one to say it, bub, but you're no John Garfield yourself...

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No wonder Leon Henderson quit.

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("Fuzzy? Look, you try living on top of a mountain and see how you like it.")

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That's what you get for inhaling lighter fluid.

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"A transfer! HAHAHAHAHA! Sincerely, Paul V. McNutt."


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
"Boro, Long Island"

Long Island, NY ? But Boro is not a town?
That's headline language -- "boro" is simplified spelling for "Borough," which when the Eagle uses it, always refers to the Borough of Brooklyn, while "Long Island" means Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk Counties. All of these entitites are actually part of Long Island the geographic feature, but the civic distinctions mean much when it comes to the people who live there. There is, after all, Brooklyn, and then there's The Rest Of The World.
New York City

("'S funnies' t'ing," comments Sally, as Joe shuffles into the kitchen, wiping sleep from his eyes. "I wen' downsteahs'sis mawrnin, awset t'tellat lousy supeh wheah t'get owff 'bout not shov'lin'a snow owffa t'stoop, an' ya neveh guess what hap'n." "Awla snow's shovel't owff," yawns Joe. "Yeh," nods Sally. "'Magine n'at. Awrmos' six yeeahs we live heah, six wintehs -- annis izza fois' time I din' hafteh raise hell t'get t'stoop shovel't. I ask ya!" "Uncle Frank is t'orough," notes Joe, as he tucks into his oatmeal. "What?" "Nut'n.")

Magistrate Solomon has one busy courtroom.

The strip-teaser ex-WAAC needs to know when to move on, there are plenty of other opportunities for a promising strip-teaser in 1943, just as Gypsy. And kudos to the Eagle staff writer, "...her deftness at doffing her clothes."

"Captured Yank Airmen Escape in Nazi Auto." Warner Bros. considered suing as its scriptwriters had already come up with that plot twist in 1942's "Desperate Journey," but in-house lawyers advised the studio bosses they couldn't sue the real world. Jack Warner was not pleased.

I bet Joe thinks a bit more favorably about his mother-in-law now than he used to.


The Italian ambassador to Germany, foppish Dino Alfieri, was horsewhipped by a German officer after that officer returned from the African front to find his wife in the ambassador's arms. According to a broadcast from the outlaw German radio station Gustave Siegfried Ens monitored by the United Press in London, Captain Joachim von Erz, a staff officer with a tank division of Rommel's Afrika Korps, arrived back at his home to discover his wife "with a man of Southern extraction, half undressed." The radio report stated that Captain von Erz whipped Alfieri across the face, threw him down a flight of stairs, and threw his clothes after him. The officer then, the broadcast stated, reported the matter to his superiors and request permission to challenge the ambassador to a duel. That permission was denied, according to the report, "due to the war situation," but the German Army, it is stated, has demanded that "Alfieri must disappear," lest it be "forgotten that he is an envoy of his Majesty the King of Italy."

If Germany has a Page Four, this story should keep it busy for days.

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(Down to the wire...)

Why is FDR burning real political capital on this guy? Is FDR that much of a Party man or does Flynn have something damaging in his hip pocket?

And in the Daily News...


"His earlier confessions contained conflicting details. After talking to his wife he made a new confession with which police said they were satisfied."

Just an FYI before I make my comment, I did not read ChiTownScion's post yesterday as I like to experience these events as if I was reading about them in real time in '43.

We all know that not-guilty people confess for various reason, that the police were bias against blacks and that they often beat "confessions "out of suspects in that era, so who knows what is really going on here. That said, if he did relate this story of his own free will - and it's pretty detailed - that's pretty damning. To emphasize, that's just a what-we-know-so-far observation, not an accusation of guilt or a belief that the investigation should be in anyway over.

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