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The Era -- Day By Day


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("I'm jus' sayin'," sighs Sally, "I do'wanna go t'ru anot'eh'ra t'ese wintehs we'h it gets so col', Leonoreh's eeh keeps actin' up. Ev'ry winteh she gets t'ese infections inneh 'cause it gets so col' innat apawrtm'n, an' I worry she's havin' trouble heahrin' outa t'at eeh. Las' night I was tellin'eh come get 'eh suppeh, an' she was layin' onna flooeh t'eh writin' inna tablet an' neveh paid me no mind. I hadda go stan' right on top'v'eh an' tell 'eh to come eat. Jus' tell ya husban' t'kin'a give us a lit'l moeh heat, t'at's awl." "He's doin'a best 'e can, Sal," contends Alice. "Y'otta see 'im inneh ev'ry night, innat berleh room, wit'is shoit awf, shov'lin' innat coal, awl sweaty an' shinin' an' covehed wit' soot..." "Well, yeh," concedes Sally, "but..." "An'nem muscles in'is back 'teh, awl rip'lin' an' standin' out, an'...." "An' what?" snickers Sally. "Op'na windeh, would'ja Sal?" exhales Alice, tugging at the collar of her work shirt. "How come t'ey keep t'ese trains so hawt, anyway?" "Heh," hehs Sally...)

American armored columns captured the German fortress of Livergnano after a bloody five-day battle and opened the way today for a direct assault on Bologna, key city to the Po Valley, less than 10 miles to the north. A communique also disclosed 8th Army troops pushing inland from the Adriatic swept thru the Nazi stronghold of Gairbettola, 18 miles southwest of Rimini, and two miles above the highway from Rimini to Bologna, principal Po Valley artery. The battle for Livergnano was one of the bloodiest of the Italian campaign, with a United Press dispatch from the conquered town calling it "a village of caves and corpses," its highway "stained with the blood of German and American dead, mangled by each other's artillery."

A major obstacle to the early resumption of construction on the Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel has been cleared, with the announcement by Mayor LaGuardia that the War Production Board has granted permission for the manufacture of 500 tons of bolts, nuts, and washers needed on the job. While the Mayor suggested in his weekly broadcast yesterday, relayed from Chicago over WNYC, that construction may be resumed on the projected within three or four months, Commissioner William H. Friedman of the New York City Tunnel Authority hinted at a possible longer wait, stating that work will be resumed "as soon as war conditions permit."


("Hmph!" hmphs Ma. "If paaarents would keep closarr watch on tharr children, sooch things would NOT happen!" "Rudy Vallee," notes Uncle Frank, sipping his two-cents-plain. "Thaaat was diff'rent," snaps Ma. "Sally merely let'arr enthusiasm get oota hand." "That's not aaahl gaaht oot'varr hand," snickers Uncle Frank. "An' then tharr's that brick thru th' screen at Loew's Oriental." "A mattar'a principle," sniffs Ma. "Y'moit naaht agree with th' way she doon it, boot she was staandin' oop far soomthin' she b'lieves in." "Mickey throo'in a stink bomb on th' stage that toime," chuckles Uncle Frank, "at th' Star Theayter." "He was criticizin' th' perfarrrmance," retorts Ma. "An' thin," laughs Uncle Frank, "thaat Lois DeFee criticoized his criticism! Roit in th' oye!" "Well," snips Ma, "saaaarved 'im roit farr goin' in that place t'b'gin with. An' incidentally, how is it ye know who it was that saaacked 'im? Oi don't recall 'im evarr admittin'." "Ah," ahs Uncle Frank. "Well, it's loike this..." "She shooda socked you too," snorts Ma. "Oi ducked," mutters Uncle Frank. "What?" "Noothin'.")

The New York City vote will reach an all time high with the November 7th election, based on record voter registration by both civilians and servicemen and women, it was announced today by the Board of Elections. That board further announced that it will meet tomorrow morning at 11 to decide whether the registration of 3,216,613 voters will require that voting hours be extended, moving the poll closing hour from 7 to 9 pm, or even to 10 pm.


("All they can think about is food. One of them tried to tell me he was a Hamburger.")




(Well now, THIS should certainly be an interesting session...)


("By Jove, Holmes! How DO you DO it?")


(For a middle-aged commuter, George has remarkably limber joints.)


("I dunno, you think so? I thought the monocle was too much.")


("Absently, as was her custom on a long road trip, she took a nip from the bottle..")


(AMERICA'S NUMBER ONE HERO DOG is nothing if not pragmatic.)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


"I tell ya, we'll get all of Page Four. Well, 'cept for that dopey political column."


Imagine that.


Ohhhh, Punjab......


"Wait, that's the FAMOUS Shaky? Not that other Shaky?"




"MR. PARROTT!" thunders a voice from the inner sanctum at 215 Montague Street. "Yes, sir," replies that panting minion. "What do we know of a left-handed relief pitcher," demands Mr. Rickey, " named Bloney!"


"Small Fry?" At least that's better than "Pantywaist."


"He should be shoveling coal like the rest of the kids!"


Don't think too hard, you might muss up your hair.


Well, there's not a lot of space in a candy store back room.
New York City
"Y'otta see 'im inneh ev'ry night, innat berleh room, wit'is shoit awf, shov'lin' innat coal, awl sweaty an' shinin' an' covehed wit' soot..." "Well, yeh," concedes Sally, "but..." "An'nem muscles in'is back 'teh, awl rip'lin' an' standin' out, an'...." "An' what?" snickers Sally. "Op'na windeh, would'ja Sal?" exhales Alice, tugging at the collar of her work shirt. "How come t'ey keep t'ese trains so hawt, anyway?" "Heh," hehs Sally...)

We've talked about this, Lizzie. I thought we had an understanding. :)


A major obstacle to the early resumption of construction on the Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel has been cleared, with the announcement by Mayor LaGuardia that the War Production Board has granted permission for the manufacture of 500 tons of bolts, nuts, and washers needed on the job. While the Mayor suggested in his weekly broadcast yesterday, relayed from Chicago over WNYC, that construction may be resumed on the projected within three or four months, Commissioner William H. Friedman of the New York City Tunnel Authority hinted at a possible longer wait, stating that work will be resumed "as soon as war conditions permit."

This is pretty surprising considering the war is still going on, on both fronts.


"Rudy Vallee," notes Uncle Frank, sipping his two-cents-plain. "Thaaat was diff'rent," snaps Ma. "Sally merely let'arr enthusiasm get oota hand." "That's not aaahl gaaht oot'varr hand,"

Since this comes up a lot, did we ever learn if these were an, umm, extra pair brought from home for this purpose or did Sally just get, how shall we say this, caught up in the moment? If the latter, the logistics had to be, well, "interesting."



Imagine that.

I had no idea our planes could shoot cyanide tablets when strafing, and right into his mouth – that's some good shooting.

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